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1. Two buildings of different heights are located at opposite sides of each other. If a heavy rod is attached joining the terrace of the buildings from \((6,10)\) to \((14,12)\), find the equation of the rod joining the buildings.
The equation of the rod joining the buildings is
2. A line makes positive intercepts on coordinate axes whose sum is \(7\) and it passes through \((-3,8)\). Find its equation.
The value of \(a =\) .
The value of \(b =\) .
The required equation is .
3 A mobile phone is put to use when the battery power is \(100 \%\).The percent of battery power '\(y\)' remaining after using the mobile phone for \(x\) hours is assumed as \(y = -0.25x + 1\).
(i) Draw the graph of the equation.
This is a self assessment task. Solve this question and assess the solution steps after completing the test on your own.
(ii) Find the number of hours elapsed if the battery power is \(40 \%\).  hours.
(iii) How much time does it take so that the battery has no power?  hours.