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1. State true or false:
All the units should be written in plural form.
2. Arrange the steps to show the time period of a pendulum is constant .
Answer variants:
Fix the string to the bob of the pendulum in a stand
The bob is now released from its displaced position
When the pendulum completes \(10\) oscillations, the time is noted
Take a string of \(1\) metre length
Make the bob of the pendulum to be at rest in its mean position
The time period for one complete oscillation is calculated by dividing the \(10\) oscillations by \(10\)
Hold the bob gently and move it to one side, to set it in motion
Step 1: 
Step 2: 
Step 3: 
Step 4: 
Step 5: 
Step 6: 
Step 7: