PDF chapter test TRY NOW

Materials required:
A ball, a marker or a chalk, a scale or a measuring tape and a stop watch or a clock.
  1. Draw a straight line on the ground with a marker or a chalk.
  2. Ask one of your friends to stand \(1\) to \(2\ m\) away from it.
  3. Let your friend gently roll a ball along the ground in a direction perpendicular to the line.
  4. Note the time at the moment the ball crosses the line and also when it comes to rest.
  5. Measure the distance between the point at which the ball crosses the line and the point where it comes to rest.
  6. You can use a scale or a measuring tape.
  7. Let different groups repeat the activity.
  8. Record the measurements in the given table format.
  9. In each case, calculate the speed of the ball.
A boy rolling a ball
Name of
the group
by the ball (\(m\))
Time taken
\(Speed =\)
This is a activity-based exercise. Write the answer in a sheet and compare it with the solution given below.