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Methodical recommendation:


Number Name Description
1. Manas skolas lietas - My School Things 1., 2.klase. Skolas lietas - skolas soma, grāmata, pildspalva, zīmulis, krītiņš, penālis, dzēšgumija, lineāls, rakstāmgalds, krēsls.
2. Mana klase - My Classroom 1., 2.klase. Vārdu krājums - rakstāmgalds, krēsls, skola, skolotāja, skolēns.
3. Manas skolas lietas – My school things 3.klase. Skolas lietas – mācību grāmata, pierakstu burtnīca, karte, papīrs, tāfele, baltā tāfele, attēls, plakāts.
4. Mana skola – My School 3.klase. Vietas skolā – klase, sporta zāle, stunda, bibliotēka, rotaļlaukums.
5. Skaitļi 1-10 – Numbers 1-10 1., 2.klase. Skaitļi 1-10.
6. Skaitļi 11-20 – Numbers 11-20 3.klase. Skaitļu 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 un 20 rakstība un izruna.

Practice Questions

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Atpazīsti lietu – Choosing the School Thing 1st type - receptive easy 3 m. 1st, 2nd grades. Choosing and dragging the correct word for picture.
2. Atpazīsti lietu – Choosing and Dragging the School Thing 1st type - receptive easy 3 m. 3rd grade. Choosing and dragging the correct word for picture.
3. Kas tas par skaitli – What's the number 1st type - receptive easy 3 m. 1st, 2nd grades. Choosing and dragging the word for number.
4. Kas tas par skaitli – What's the number 1st type - receptive easy 3 m. 3rd grade. Choosing dragging the word for number.
5. Pārrakstīšana, mācību piederumi – Copying, School Things 1st type - receptive easy 3 m. 1st, 2nd grades. Copying the given words, school things.
6. Pārrakstīšana, skaitļi - Copying, Numbers 1st type - receptive easy 3 m. 1st, 2nd grades. Copying the given words, numbers 1-10.
7. Atpazīsti skaitļus - Recognize numbers 1st type - receptive easy 3 m. 1st, 2nd grades. Recognize the written numbers 1-10.
8. Atpazīsti skaitļus - Recognize numbers 1st type - receptive easy 3 m. 3rd grade. Recognize the written numbers 1-10.
9. Atpazīsti skolas lietas - Recognize the school things 1st type - receptive easy 3 m. 1st, 2nd grades. Choose the correct word for the school items.
10. Vārdu veidošana, skaitļi – Word making, numbers 2nd type - interpretation medium 3 m. 1st, 2nd grades. Make the words from given letters – numbers 1-10.
11. Jaukti burti, skaitļi 11-20 – Mixing Letters, Numbers 11-20 2nd type - interpretation medium 3 m. 3rd grade. Putting the letters in correct order, making the words - numbers from 11 to 20.
12. Vārdu veidošana, mācību piederumi - Word making, school things 2nd type - interpretation medium 4 m. 1st, 2nd grade. Make the words from given letters.
13. Jaukti burti, mācību piederumi, lietas un vietas – Mixing Letters, School Things 2nd type - interpretation medium 3 m. 3rd grade. Putting the letters in correct order, making the words - different school things.
14. Rakstīšana, mācību piederumi un lietas – Writing, School Things 2nd type - interpretation medium 4 m. 1st, 2nd grades. Finishing the words – different school things and people.
15. Rakstīšana, lietas klasē un vietas - Writing, School Things 2nd type - interpretation medium 3 m. 3rd grade. Finishing the words – different school things, rooms and people.
16. Izlaistie burti, Mācību piederumi un lietas – Missing letters, school things 2nd type - interpretation medium 4 m. 1st, 2nd grades. Writing in the missing letters for words.
17. Izlaisti burti, Skolas lietas un telpas – Missing Letters, School Things 2nd type - interpretation medium 3 m. 3rd grade. Writing in the missing letters and completing the words.
18. Skaitļi 1-10, lasīšana 1st type - receptive medium 1 m. 1st, 2nd grades. Reading the line of numbers and choosing the missing one.
19. Klausīšanās, Skolas lietas – Listening, school things 2nd type - interpretation medium 3 m. 1st, 2nd grades. Listen the word and choose the item.
20. Skaitļu 1-20 rakstība – Numbers 1-20, Spelling 2nd type - interpretation medium 4 m. 3rd grade. Writing the numbers from 1 to 20.
21. Klausīšanās, Lietas skolā un telpas – Listening, School Things, Rooms 2nd type - interpretation medium 3 m. 3rd grade. Listening the word and choosing the item.
22. Klausīšanās, Skaitļi 1-10 – Listening, Numbers 2nd type - interpretation medium 3 m. 1st, 2nd grades. Listening and dragging the number.
23. Klausīšanās, Skaitļi 11-20 – Listening, Numbers 2nd type - interpretation medium 3 m. 3rd grade. Listen and choose the number.
24. Skolas piederumi un skaitļi – School things and numbers (ar izvēli) 2nd type - interpretation medium 4 m. 1st, 2nd greades. Dragging and matching the school things with numbers.
25. Skolas piederumi un skaitļi – School things and numbers 2nd type - interpretation medium 4 m. 1st, 2nd grades. Match the school things with numbers.
26. Attēls ar vārdu, Vietas un lietas skolā – Words under the picture, School Things 1st type - receptive medium 3 m. 3rd grade. Under each picture write the word from the list – different school things.
27. Rakstīšana, Mācību piederumi attēlā – Writing, School Things 3rd type - analysis hard 3 m. 1st, 2nd grades. Writing the names of school things - crayon, pen, pencil, book, pencil case, school bag, ruler, rubber, chair, desk.
28. Dziesma "Skolas dziesma" – School Song 3rd type - analysis hard 3 m. 1st, 2nd grades. Listen to the song 'School Things" and do the task - write in the missing word or choose the correct answer.
29. Kļūdu labojums, Skaitļi 11-20 – Correcting mistakes, Numbers 2nd type - interpretation hard 4.5 m. 3rd grade. Choosing the incorrect written word and rewriting it in correct way.
30. Lasīšana, Mans rakstāmgalds – Reading, My Desk 3rd type - analysis hard 4 m. 1st, 2nd grades. Writing the missing words in the text according to picture.
31. Dziesma "Mans telefona numurs" – Listening, song 'My Telephone Number' 3rd type - analysis hard 6 m. 1st, 2nd grades. Write in the missing numbers to fill the telephone number.
32. Diktāts, skaitļi – Dictation, numbers 3rd type - analysis hard 6 m. 1st, 2nd grades. Listen and write the numbers.
33. Diktāts, Skolas lietas un vietas – Dictation, School Things and Places 2nd type - interpretation hard 6 m. 3rd grade. Listening the word and writing it.

Questions for Teacher Use

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Atpazīsti lietu – Choosing the School Thing Other easy 3 m. 1st, 2nd grades. Choosing the correct word for picture.
2. Atpazīsti lietu – Choosing the School Thing Other easy 3 m. 3rd grade. Choosing the correct word for picture.
3. Kas tas par skaitli – What's the number Other easy 3 m. 1st, 2nd grades. Choosing the word for number.
4. Kas tas par skaitli – What's the number Other easy 3 m. 3rd grade. Choosing the word for number.
5. Klausīšanās, Skaitļi 1-10 – Listening, Numbers Other medium 3 m. 1st, 2nd grades. Listening and choosing the number.
6. Dziesmas "School Song" pants – The song "School Song" Other medium 4 m. 1st, 2nd grades. Put the lines of the song in correct order.
7. Savienošana, Skaitļi – Matching, Numbers Other medium 4 m. 1st, 2nd Grades. Matching the number with word.
8. Klausīšanās un rakstīšana, Lietas un vietas skolā – Listening and writing Other hard 3 m. 3rd grade. Listening and writing the word from the box – places and objects in the school.
9. Savienošana, Skolas lietas – Matching, School Things Other easy 3 m. 1st, 2nd grades. Match the word with picture.
10. Kļūdu labojums, Lietas un vietas skolā – Correcting mistakes, School Things Other hard 4.5 m. 3rd grade. Choosing the incorrect written word and rewriting it in correct way.
11. Diktāts, Skolas lietas – Dictation, School Things Other hard 6 m. 1st, 2nd grades. Write the heard school thing.
12. Diktāts, skaitļi 9-20 - Dictation, Numbers 9-20 Other hard 6 m. Listen and write the numbers. (3.klasei)


Number Name Recomended time: Difficulty Marks Description
1. Skolas lietas - School things 00:20:00 medium 21 m. Skolas lietas - atpazīšana, lasīšanas, rakstīšanas un klausīšanās prasmes. (1.-2.klasei)
2. Skaitļi 1-10 - Numbers 00:20:00 medium 19 m. Skaitļi 1-10 - atpazīšana, klausīšanās, lasīšanas un rakstīšanas prasmes. (1.-2.klasei)
3. Skolas lietas un skaitļi 1-10 - School things and numbers 00:30:00 hard 22 m. Skolas lietas un skaitļi - izvēles un aizpildīšanas uzdevumi, klausīšanās, rakstīšanas un lasīšanas prasmes. (1.-2.klasei)
4. Skolas lietas un vietas – School Things and Places 00:20:00 medium 18 m. Skolas lietas un vietas skolā – izvēles un aizpildīšanas uzdevumi, lasīšanas, pareizrakstības un klausīšanās prasmes. (3.klasei)
5. Skaitļa vārdi 11-20 – Numbers 11-20 00:20:00 medium 22.5 m. Skaitļa vārdi 11-20 – izvēles un aizpildīšanas uzdevumi, lasīšanas, pareizrakstības un klausīšanās prasmes. (3.klasei)
6. Mana skola un skaitļi 1-20 00:20:00 hard 21 m. Mācību piederumi, skolas lietas un vietas skolā, skaitļa vārdi 1-20 – izvēles un aizpildīšanas uzdevumi, lasīšanas, pareizrakstības un klausīšanās prasmes. (3.klasei)

Periodic assessments

Number Name Recomended time: Difficulty Marks Description
1. Skolas lietas un skaitļi 00:30:00 hard 22 m. Skolas lietas un skaitļa vārdi 1-10 - izvēles, aizpildīšanas uzdevumi, lasīšanas un rakstīšanas prasmes. (1.-2.klasei)
2. Mana skola un skaitļi 1-20 – My School and Numbers 1-20 (3.klasei) 00:40:00 hard 29.5 m. Skolas lietas un vietas skolā, skaitļi 1-20 – izvēles un aizpildīšanas uzdevumi, lasīšanas, pareizrakstības un klausīšanās prasmes.