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Methodical recommendation:


Number Name Description
1. Norādāmie vietniekvārdi "this / these / that / those" Norādāmo vietniekvārdu "this / these / that / those" lietojums teikumos.
2. Jautājumi ar "this, that, these, those" - Questions with "this, that, these, those" Jautājumu veidošana ar norādāmajiem vietniekvārdiem "this", "that", "these" un "those" un atbildes sniegšana.
3. Teikumi ar "There is" un "There are" Teikumu ar "There is" un "There are" veidošana un lietojums.

Practice Questions

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. "This" vai "these" un "that" vai "those" - "This" or "these" and "that" or "those" 1st type - receptive easy 1 m. Choose between single "this / that" and plural "these / those".
2. Apgalvojuma teikumi ar norādāmiem vietniekvārdiem - Sentences with demonstrative pronouns 1st type - receptive medium 1 m. Look at the pictures and choose - this, that, these or those.
3. Jautājumi ar norādāmiem vietniekvārdiem - Questions with demonstrative pronouns 1st type - receptive medium 3 m. Look at the pictures and choose - this, that, these or those.
4. Teikumi daudzskaitlī - Sentences in plural 1st type - receptive medium 2 m. Rewrite the sentences in plural.
5. "This" vai "These" lietojums - Using "This" or "These" 2nd type - interpretation medium 2 m. Choose "this" or "these".
6. Apgalvojuma teikumi ar "There is/are" - Sentences with "There is/are" 1st type - receptive medium 1 m. Read and choose "There is" or "There are".
7. Jautājumi ar "Is/Are there" - Questions with "Is/Are there" 1st type - receptive medium 1 m. Read and choose "Is there" or "Are there".
8. Jautājumi ar "Is/Are there" un īsās atbildes - Questions with "Is/Are there" and short answers 1st type - receptive medium 3 m. Read and write "Is there" or "Are there", choose the answer.
9. Dažādi teikumi ar "There is/are" - Sentences with "There is/are" 1st type - receptive medium 2 m. Read and choose "There is" or "There are".
10. "It's" vai "There's" lietošana - Using "It's" or "There's" 1st type - receptive medium 2 m. Read and choose "There's" or "It's".
11. Teikumu veidošana ar "There is/are" - Making sentences with "There is/are" 2nd type - interpretation medium 2 m. Make the sentence using "There is" or "There are".
12. Mājas apraksts - Describing the house 2nd type - interpretation hard 3 m. Read the text and choose "There's" or "There are".
13. Istabas apraksts, savienošana ar attēliem - Description of the Room, Pictures 2nd type - interpretation medium 4 m. Write in "There is" or "There are" and match with picture.

Questions for Teacher Use

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Teikumi vienskaitlī un daudzskaitlī - Sentences in singular or plural Other hard 2 m. Rewrite the sentences in plural.
2. Vārdu kārtība teikumā - Word order in the sentence Other hard 4 m. Write the words in correct order to make the sentence.
3. Jautājumi un atbildes par attēliem - Questions and Answers about Pictures Other hard 4.5 m. Ask the question about picture and then answer it.


Number Name Recomended time: Difficulty Marks Description
1. Norādāmo vietniekvārdu "this", "that", "these" un "those" lietojums 00:20:00 medium 11 m. Norādāmo vietniekvārdu "this", "that", "these" un "those" lietojums apgalvojuma un jautājuma teikumos, izvēles un aizpildīšanas uzdevumi, lasīšanas un rakstīšanas prasmers.
2. Teikumi ar "There is / are" - Sentences with "There is / are" 00:05:00 medium 11 m. Dažāda veida teikumi ar "there is" un "there are", izvēles un aizpildīšanas uzdevumi, lasīšanas un rakstīšanas prasmers.
3. Izteiciena "There is / are" lietojums dažāda tipa teikumos - Sentences with "There is / are" 00:07:00 hard 15.5 m. Dažāda veida teikumi ar "there is" un "there are", atšķirības "It's" un "There's" lietojumā, izvēles un aizpildīšanas uzdevumi, lasīšanas un rakstīšanas prasmers.