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Methodical recommendation:


Number Name Description
1. Modālais darbības vārds CAN - Modal verb CAN Modālā darbības vārda CAN lietošana un locīšana.

Practice Questions

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Pareizi un nepareizi teikumi ar CAN - True or False sentences 1st type - receptive easy 1 m. Tick if the sentence true or false.
2. Pareizā teikuma izvēle - Choosing the correct sentence 1st type - receptive easy 1 m. Choosing the correct sentence.
3. Prasmes, izvēles uzdevums - Skills 2nd type - interpretation medium 1 m. Look at picture and choose the answer.
4. Prasmes, īsās atbildes - Skills, Short Answers 2nd type - interpretation medium 1 m. Look at the picture and choose the answer.
5. CAN un CAN'T lietojums - Using CAN or CAN'T 2nd type - interpretation medium 1 m. Read the sentence and choose CAN or CAN'T.
6. Kļūdu labojums - Correcting Mistakes 2nd type - interpretation hard 2 m. Correct the sentences.
7. CAN lietojums teikumos - CAN in the sentences 2nd type - interpretation hard 2 m. Read the sentences and choose CAN or CAN'T.
8. Jautājumi un atbildes par tabulu - Questions and answers 2nd type - interpretation hard 5.5 m. Study the table. Then answer about it.
9. Vārdu kārtība teikumā - Word order in the sentence 2nd type - interpretation hard 4 m. Write the words in correct order to make the sentences with "can".
10. Prasmes un dzīvnieki - Animals and their Skills 2nd type - interpretation medium 4 m. Writing correct subject pronoun and matching with other sentence.

Questions for Teacher Use

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. CAN trūkstošās formas - Writing missing sentences Other medium 2 m. Write the missing form of "can" - affirmative, negative or question.
2. Teikumu divas daļas, savienošanas uzdevums - Two parts of the Sentence Other hard 4 m. Read and match the sentences or parts of them.


Number Name Recomended time: Difficulty Marks Description
1. Modālais darbības vārds CAN, tā lietošana - Modal Verb CAN 00:05:00 medium 7 m. Modālā darbības vārda CAN locīšana un lietošana, izvēles un aizpildīšanas uzdevumi, lasīšanas un rakstīšanas prasmes.
2. Modālais darbības vārds CAN - Modal Verb CAN 00:08:00 hard 21.5 m. Modālā darbības vārda CAN lietošana, izvēles, aizpildīšanas un savienošanas uzdevumi, lasīšanas, klausīšanās un rakstīšanas prasmes.