எங்கள் ஆசிரியர்களுடன் 1-ஆன்-1 ஆலோசனை நேரத்தைப் பெறுங்கள். டாப்பர் ஆவதற்கு நாங்கள் பயிற்சி அளிப்போம்

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Methodical recommendation:


Number Name Description
1. Vertebrate and Invertebrate Differences between vertebrate and invertebrate animals.
2. Insects I Insects: beetle, moth, bumblebee, wasp, hornet, termite, bug, water strider.
3. Insects II Insects: gadfly, mosquito, dragonfly, grasshopper, cricket, cockroach, praying mantis, stick insect, earwig, flea.
4. Stages of Butterfly's Life Describing the butterfly's life cicle: egg, caterpillar, cocoon, buterfly.
5. Worms, Spiders and Scorpions Describing worms, spiders and scorpions: worm, earthworm, leech, millipede, centipede, tarantula, scorpion.
6. Snails, Slugs and Cephalopods Describing snails, slugs and cephalopods: snail, sea snail, shell, slug, mussel, octopus, tentacle, squid.
7. Jellyfish, Corals and Crustaceans Describing jellyfish, corals and crustaceans: jellyfish, coral, crab, lobster, claw, crayfish, shrimp, prawn.
8. Sponges and Sea Stars Describing sponges adn sea stars or starfishes.

Practice Questions

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Pictures and Words, Insects I, Multiple Choice 1st type - receptive medium 1.5 m. Recommended for 6 grade. Choosing the correct word according to the picture.
2. Listening, Insects II, Multiple Choice 1st type - receptive easy 1.5 m. Recommended for 6 grade. Listening to the word and choosing Latvian translation.
3. Translating into Latvian, Worms, Spiders, Scorpions, Multiple Choice 1st type - receptive easy 1.5 m. Recommended for 6 grade. Reading the word and choosing the correct translation into Latvian.
4. Translating into English, Sea Invertebrates 1st type - receptive easy 1.5 m. Recommended for 6 grade. Reading the Latvian expresion and choosing the correct translation into English.
5. Pronunciation, Insects I, Multiple Choice 2nd type - interpretation medium 1.5 m. Recommended for 6 grade. Reading the word and choosing the correct pronunciation.
6. Words under the Picture, Insects II 1st type - receptive medium 3 m. Recommended for 6 grade. Under each picture write the word from the list.
7. Listening and Writing, Worms, Spiders, Scorpions 2nd type - interpretation medium 4 m. Recommended for 6 grade. Listening and writing the words from the box.
8. Game «The Snake», Sea Invertebrates 2nd type - interpretation medium 4 m. Recommended for 6 grade. Finding the words in the line of letters.
9. Mixing Letters, Insects I 2nd type - interpretation medium 4 m. Recommended for 6 grade. Putting the letters in correct order to make the words.
10. Missing Letters, Insects II 2nd type - interpretation medium 4 m. Recommended for 6 grade. Filling the gaps with missing letters to complete the words.
11. Missing Vowels, Worms, Spiders, Scorpions 2nd type - interpretation medium 4 m. Recommended for 6 grade. Writing in the missing vowels to complete the words.
12. Wordsearch with Translation, Sea Invertebrates 2nd type - interpretation medium 5 m. Recommended for 6 grade. Finding the word translation into English in the wordseach chart.
13. Wordsearch, Insects I 2nd type - interpretation hard 6 m. Recommended for 6 grade. Finding the words in the wordseach table.
14. Translation into Latvian, Insects II 2nd type - interpretation medium 4 m. Recommended for 6 grade. Translating the English word.
15. Wordmaking, Worms, Spiders, Scorpions 2nd type - interpretation medium 5 m. Recommended for 6 grade. Reading the firts part of the word or phrase and matching with the second part.
16. Dictation, Sea Invertebrates 2nd type - interpretation medium 4 m. Recommended for 6 grade. Listening to the word or expression and writing it.
17. Listening and Translating into Latvian, Insects I 2nd type - interpretation medium 4 m. Recommended for 6 grade. Listening to the word and writing the translation into Latvian.
18. Alphabetical Order with Translation, Insects II 2nd type - interpretation hard 6 m. Recommended for 6 grade. Translating the words and writing them into alphabetical order.
19. Translating into English, Worms, Spiders, Scorpions 2nd type - interpretation medium 4 m. Recommended for 6 grade. Reading the words and translating them.
20. Pronunciation and Writing, Sea Invertebrates 2nd type - interpretation hard 5 m. Recommended for 6 grade. Reading the pronunciation and writing the words.
21. Alphabetical Order with Pictures, Insects I 2nd type - interpretation medium 5 m. Recommended for 6 grade. Putting the pictures into alphabetical order.
22. Correcting Mistakes, Insects II 2nd type - interpretation hard 4.5 m. Recommended for 6 grade. Choosing the incorrect written word and rewriting it in correct way.
23. Dictation, Worms, Spiders, Scorpions 2nd type - interpretation medium 4 m. Recommended for 6 grade. Listening to the word or expression and writing it.
24. Correcting Mistakes, Sea Invertebrates 2nd type - interpretation hard 4.5 m. Recommended for 6 grade. Choosing the incorrect written word and rewriting it in correct way.
25. Video, Incretible Insects 2nd type - interpretation hard 6 m. Recommended for 6 grade. Watching the video about insects and choosing if the satement is correct, false or 'doesn't mention'.
26. Reading and Matching, About Insects 3rd type - analysis hard 5 m. Recommended for 6 grade. Reading text and match with the insect.

Questions for Teacher Use

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Translation into Latvian, Insects I Other medium 4 m. Recommended for 6 grade. Listening to the expression and writing it Latvian.
2. Wordmaking, Insects II Other medium 5 m. Recommended for 6 grade. Reading the firts part of the word or phrase and matching with the second part.
3. Pronunciation and Writing, Worms, Spiders, Scorpions Other hard 5 m. Recommended for 6 grade. Reading the pronunciation and writing the words.
4. Translating into English, Sea Invertebrates Other medium 4 m. Recommended for 6 grade. Reading the words and translating them.
5. Reading for information, Invertibrates Other hard 6 m. Recommended for 6 grade. Reading the articles and choosing if the satement is correct, false or 'doesn't mention'.


Number Name Recomended time: Difficulty Marks Description
1. Insects I 00:20:00 medium 26 m. Different exercises – gap filling, multiple choice – to check student's vocabulary related to theme 'Insects'; to consolidate and check reading, listening and writing skills.
2. Insects II 00:20:00 medium 29 m. Different exercises – gap filling, multiple choice – to check student's vocabulary related to theme 'Insects'; to consolidate and check reading, listening and writing skills.
3. Worms, Spiders, Scorpions 00:20:00 medium 27.5 m. Different exercises – gap filling, multiple choice – to check student's vocabulary about different types of worms, spiders and scorpions; to consolidate and check reading, listening and writing skills.
4. Sea Invertebrates 00:20:00 medium 28 m. Different exercises – gap filling, multiple choice – to check student's vocabulary related to theme 'Sea Invertebrates'; to consolidate and check reading, listening and writing skills.
5. Invertebrates 00:20:00 medium 34.5 m. Different exercises – gap filling, multiple choice – to check student's vocabulary related to theme 'Invertebrates'; to consolidate and check reading, listening and writing skills.

Periodic assessments

Number Name Recomended time: Difficulty Marks Description
1. Invertebrates 00:40:00 hard 65.5 m. Different exercises – gap filling, multiple choice – to check student's vocabulary related to theme 'Invertebrates'; using reading, listening and writing skills.