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Repeat the mammals from the theme "Animals and Pets (3.-4.klasei)".
  • Brief introduction about mammals
A mammal is an animal that breathes air, has a backbone, and grows hair at some point during its life. In addition, all female mammals have glands that can produce milk. Mammals are among the most intelligent of all living creatures.
Mammals include a wide variety of animals, from cats to humans to whales. There are more than 5,000 species, or kinds, of living mammal. More than half of all mammals are rodents, a group that includes mice and squirrels.
  • Where mammals live
Mammals are found in every major habitat around the world. Most mammals live on land – on the ground, in trees, or even underground. Some mammals – including otters, beavers, and seals – live on land and in the water. Whales, dolphins, and manatees are mammals that spend their whole life in water.
  • Physical Features
Mammals range in size from a tiny bat to a huge whale. The Philippine bamboo bat weighs only about 1.5 grams. The blue whale is the largest animal on Earth. It may be more than 30 meters long and may weigh 200 tons (180,000 kilograms).
Bats and whales are unusual mammals, however. Most mammals have four legs for moving around on land. But bats have two wings for flying and two hind legs for grasping. Whales have two flippers and a tail for swimming.
Mammals are the only animals that produce milk to nourish their young. The female has special glands called mammary glands. After childbirth, the mother’s glands produce milk. The mother feeds the young with this milk until the young are old enough to get food for themselves.
All mammals have hair at some stage of development. Hair helps to keep the body warm. The color and pattern of the hair also may help a mammal to blend in with its surroundings. This may keep a mammal hidden from its enemies. In some mammals, hair takes a special form. The hair of porcupines is hardened into sharp spines. A cat’s whiskers are special hairs that are highly sensitive to touch.
Mammals are warm-blooded. This means that they are able to keep their body at roughly the same temperature no matter what the surrounding temperature is. This allows mammals to live in a wide range of climates.
Finally, mammals have a highly developed brain. The mammal brain is the most complex organ known. This complex brain allows mammals to learn from experience and adapt their behavior.
  • Behavior
Young mammals learn many behaviors – for example, how to hunt – from their parents. Some young mammals go off on their own once they have grown up. Others stay within their family groups for life.
Individual mammals or groups may live in areas called territories. These mammals may fight off other mammals of the same species that try to enter their territory. Some groups of mammals migrate, or move between places during different seasons.
Some mammals, including ground squirrels and hedgehogs, hibernate during winter. Hibernation is a very deep form of sleep during which an animal’s body temperature drops.
Mammals eat a wide variety of foods. Mammals that eat other animals are called carnivores. Cats, dogs, weasels, walrus, and many other mammals are carnivores. Mammals that eat plants – such as lemmings, deer, cattle, and elephants – are called herbivores. Mammals that eat both animals and plants are called omnivores. Omnivores include raccoons, bears, and primates.
mammal — [ˈmæm.əl] — zīdītājs
viviparous — [vɪˈvɪp.ər.əs] — dzīvdzemdētājs
terrestrial — [təˈres.tri.əl] — sauszemes
marine mammal — [məˈriː.nə ˈmæm.əl] — jūras zīdītājs 
flying mammal — [ˈflaɪ.ɪŋ ˈmæm.əl] — lidojošais zīdītājs
herbivore — [ˈhɜː.bɪ.vɔːr] — zālēdājs
ruminant — [ˈruː.mɪ.nənt] — atgremotājs
carnivore — [ˈkɑː.nɪ.vɔːr] — gaļēdājs, plēsējs
insectivore — [ɪnˈsek.tɪ.vɔːr] — kukaiņēdājs
omnivore — [ˈɒm.nɪ.vɔːr] — visēdājs
rodent — [ˈrəʊ.dənt] — grauzējs