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Methodical recommendation:


Number Name Description
1. Passive. Use When to use Passive
2. Passive. Form. Affirmative How to form Passive affirmative sentences
3. Passive. Active to Passive I How to change Active sentences to Passive sentences (general information)
4. Passive. Active to Passive II. Five steps How to change Active sentences to Passive sentences (5 steps)

Practice Questions

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Present Simple Passive. Affirmative I 1st type - receptive easy 2 m. Multiple choice task. Choose the correct option. "Apraksta darbības, kuru darītājs nav zinams vai nav butisks."
2. Present Simple Passive. Affirmative II 2nd type - interpretation medium 2 m. "Open the brackets" task. Write the verb in the brackets in the correct form. "Apraksta darbības, kuru darītājs nav zinams vai nav butisks."
3. Present Simple Passive. Affirmative III 3rd type - analysis hard 2 m. Active to Passive - change these sentences. "Apraksta darbības, kuru darītājs nav zinams vai nav butisks."
4. Present Continuous Passive. Affirmative I 1st type - receptive easy 2 m. Multiple choice task. Choose the correct option. "Apraksta darbības, kuru darītājs nav zinams vai nav butisks."
5. Present Continuous Passive. Affirmative II 2nd type - interpretation medium 2 m. "Open the brackets" task. Write the verb in the brackets in the correct form. "Apraksta darbības, kuru darītājs nav zinams vai nav butisks."
6. Present Continuous Passive. Affirmative III 3rd type - analysis hard 3 m. Active to Passive - change these sentences. "Apraksta darbības, kuru darītājs nav zinams vai nav butisks."
7. Present Perfect Passive. Affirmative I 1st type - receptive medium 2 m. Multiple choice task. Choose the correct option. "Apraksta darbības, kuru darītājs nav zinams vai nav butisks."
8. Present Perfect Passive. Affirmative II 2nd type - interpretation medium 2 m. "Open the brackets" task. Write the verb in the brackets in the correct form. "Apraksta darbības, kuru darītājs nav zinams vai nav butisks."
9. Present Perfect Passive. Affirmative III 3rd type - analysis hard 3 m. Active to Passive - change these sentences. "Apraksta darbības, kuru darītājs nav zinams vai nav butisks."
10. Past Simple Passive. Affirmative I 1st type - receptive easy 2 m. Multiple choice task. Choose the correct option. "Apraksta darbības, kuru darītājs nav zinams vai nav butisks."
11. Past Simple Passive. Affirmative II 2nd type - interpretation medium 2 m. "Open the brackets" task. Write the verb in the brackets in the correct form. "Apraksta darbības, kuru darītājs nav zinams vai nav butisks."
12. Past Simple Passive. Affirmative III 3rd type - analysis hard 3 m. Active to Passive - change these sentences. "Apraksta darbības, kuru darītājs nav zinams vai nav butisks."
13. Past Continuous Passive. Affirmative I 1st type - receptive medium 2 m. Multiple choice task. Choose the correct option. "Apraksta darbības, kuru darītājs nav zinams vai nav butisks."
14. Past Continuous Passive. Affirmative II 2nd type - interpretation medium 2 m. "Open the brackets" task. Write the verb in the brackets in the correct form. "Apraksta darbības, kuru darītājs nav zinams vai nav butisks."
15. Past Perfect Passive. Affirmative I 1st type - receptive medium 2 m. Multiple choice task. Choose the correct option. "Apraksta darbības, kuru darītājs nav zinams vai nav butisks."
16. Past Perfect Passive. Affirmative II 2nd type - interpretation medium 2 m. "Open the brackets" task. Write the verb in the brackets in the correct form. "Apraksta darbības, kuru darītājs nav zinams vai nav butisks."
17. Future Simple Passive. Affirmative I 1st type - receptive medium 2 m. Multiple choice task. Choose the correct option. "Apraksta darbības, kuru darītājs nav zinams vai nav butisks."
18. Future Simple Passive. Affirmative II 2nd type - interpretation medium 2 m. "Open the brackets" task. Write the verb in the brackets in the correct form. "Apraksta darbības, kuru darītājs nav zinams vai nav butisks."
19. Modals Passive. Affirmative I 1st type - receptive medium 2 m. Multiple choice task. Choose the correct option. "Apraksta darbības, kuru darītājs nav zinams vai nav butisks."
20. Modals Passive. Affirmative II 2nd type - interpretation medium 2 m. "Open the brackets" task. Write the verb in the brackets in the correct form. "Apraksta darbības, kuru darītājs nav zinams vai nav butisks."

Questions for Teacher Use

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Active or Passive? / Affirmative Other medium 2 m. Multiple choice task. Choose the correct option. "Apraksta darbības, kuru darītājs nav zinams vai nav butisks."


Number Name Recomended time: Difficulty Marks Description
1. Passive. Affirmative I 00:15:00 easy 16 m. Multiple choice tasks. Choose the correct option.
2. Passive. Affirmative II 00:15:00 medium 16 m. "Open the brackets" tasks. Write the verb in the brackets in the correct form.
3. Passive. Affirmative III (Active to Passive) 00:20:00 hard 11 m. Active to Passive - change these sentences.

Periodic assessments

Number Name Recomended time: Difficulty Marks Description
1. Passive. Affirmative 00:40:00 medium 45 m. Test "Passive Affirmative"