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Methodical recommendation:


Number Name Description
1. Question Tags. Definition and Use Learn about Question Tags, their definition and use.
2. Question Tags. Form Learn about Question tags and their form.
3. Question Tags. Mind the Trap! Mind the trap! An important thing to remember when using Question Tags.

Practice Questions

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Auxiliary and Modal Verbs I 1st type - receptive easy 5 m. Match the sentences with the tags.
2. Auxiliary and Modal Verbs II 1st type - receptive medium 3 m. Multiple choice
3. Auxiliary and Modal Verbs III 1st type - receptive medium 5 m. Match the sentences with the tags. Extra variants
4. Auxiliary and Modal Verbs IV 1st type - receptive medium 5 m. Match the sentences with the tags. Extra variants. Different subjects.
5. Auxiliary and Modal Verbs V 1st type - receptive hard 5 m. Match the sentences with the tags. Extra variants. Different subjects. Positive and Negative.
6. Auxiliary and Modal Verbs VI 2nd type - interpretation medium 3 m. Order the words to make sentences
7. Present Simple and Past Simple I 1st type - receptive easy 5 m. Match the sentences with the tags.
8. Present Simple and Past Simple II 1st type - receptive medium 3 m. Multiple choice
9. Present Simple and Past Simple III 1st type - receptive medium 5 m. Match the sentences with the tags. Extra variants
10. Present Simple and Past Simple IV 1st type - receptive medium 5 m. Match the sentences with the tags. Extra variants. Different subjects.
11. Present Simple and Past Simple V 1st type - receptive hard 5 m. Match the sentences with the tags. Extra variants. Different subjects. Positive and Negative.
12. Mixed Sentences I 1st type - receptive medium 3 m. Multiple choice
13. Mixed Sentences II 3rd type - analysis hard 2 m. Multiple choice. Mind the trap N1
14. Mixed Sentences III 3rd type - analysis hard 3 m. Multiple choice. Mind the trap N2
15. Mixed Sentences IV 3rd type - analysis hard 3 m. Question tags in literary fiction.


Number Name Recomended time: Difficulty Marks Description
1. Mixed Sentences 00:00:00 medium 11 m. Tests yourself about Question Tags: Mixed Sentences.

Periodic assessments

Number Name Recomended time: Difficulty Marks Description
1. Auxiliary and Modal Verbs 00:00:00 medium 26 m. Test yourself about Question Tags: Auxilary and Modal verbs.
2. Present Simple and Past Simple 00:00:00 medium 23 m. Test yourself about Question Tags: Present Simple and Past Simple.
3. Question Tags 00:00:00 medium 34 m. Test yourself about Question Tags.