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Methodical recommendation:

Textbook Questions

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Mid-point of the line segment Other easy 1 m. Choose the correct answer using midpoint and trisection formula.
2. Vertex of the triangle Other medium 1 m. Find the third vertex of the triangle using centroid formula.
3. Divided point Other medium 1 m. Find the point which divides the line segment and the ratio of the divided point.
4. Coordinates of the point Other easy 1 m. Choose the correct answer using basic properties of coordinate system and distance formula.
5. Co-ordinate lie on x-axis Other easy 1 m. Choose the correct answer using basic properties of coordinate system and distance formula.
6. Identify the quadrant of the points Other medium 2 m. This exercise is to check your basic knowledge in the coordinate plane.

Practice Questions

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Find the centroid Other easy 1 m. Find the centroid of the circle using the given vertices.
2. The distance between the points Other medium 2 m. Practice to find the distance between the given points.