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The poem 'Amanda' by Robin Klein revolves around a young girl named Amanda, who her parents constantly nag. Although the readers assume that Amanda is picked on by her parents, it can be a representation of the entire society. It talks about how young children are curbed off their freedom at a tender age and bombarded with rules and orders that they cannot even keep track of. The parents fill her up with simple rules like not biting nails to complex ones like not to be moody. The parents do not think from the child's perspective. For example, rather than ordering a child to polish her shoes or clean up the room, the parents can also do it along with her, thereby teaching her how things are done. This would increase the rapport between the parents and the child, and the child would not feel overwhelmed as well. The poet also shows how the child uses fantasy as an escapism tool. Although this can be helpful, it can turn out to be dangerous, as the child might start losing touch with the real world. Amanda wanted to remain on an isolated island, and preferring to be an orphan, or being locked in a castle, shows how much trauma she is carrying. Therefore, the poem warns of self-centred parents and keeps overwhelming children with rules and chores rather than trying to understand them.