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Learn the meaning of difficult words from the poem "Fog" and its explanation:
S.No | Words | Meaning |
1 | Fog | A thick cloud of tiny water droplets suspended in the atmosphere |
2 | Harbor | A place on the coast where ships may be docked |
3 | Haunches | The back and thigh of a person considered together |
4 | Prominence | The importance and fame that one holds |
5 | Trivial | Not very important |
6 | Humidity | Atmospheric moisture |
7 | Moist | The state of being wet |
8 | Crouch | To crumple in a corner |
9 | Impulsively | To act without thinking |
10 | Oblivious | Not knowing the truth |
11 | Idle | Not doing anything |
12 | Aloof | Not getting attached to anything |