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The next day it was drizzling. Maddie and Peggy hurried to school under Peggy’s umbrella. Naturally, on a day like this, they didn’t wait for Wanda Petronski on the corner of Oliver Street, the street that far, far away, under the railroad tracks and up the hill, led to Boggins Heights. Anyway, they weren’t taking chances on being late today, because today was important.
“Do you think Miss Mason will announce the winners today?” asked Peggy.
“Oh, I hope so, the minute we get in,” said Maddie. “Of course, you’ll win, Peg.”
“Hope so,” said Peggy eagerly.
The minute they entered the classroom, they stopped short and gasped. There were drawings all over the room, on every ledge and windowsill, dazzling colours and brilliant, lavish designs, all drawn on great sheets of wrapping paper. There must have been a hundred of them, all lined up. These must be the drawings for the contest. They were! Everybody stopped and whistled or murmured admiringly.
It was drizzling the next day. Maddie and her friend Peggy hurried to school under Peggy's umbrella. They didn't wait for Wanda Petronski at the corner of Oliver Street. Usually, they used to wait at the corner of Oliver street to ask questions to Wanda.

Peggy and Wanda hurried to school under one umbrella
Wanda comes from Boggins Heights. The street that went to Boggins Heights was far from away. One should walk under the train tracks and up the hill to reach Boggins Heights. Maddie and Peggy usually wait for her at the corner, but they didn't wait for her that day. Since they know that if they wait there, they will be late for school. Also, the day was very important for them, so they didn't wait for her. Peggy then asked Maddie whether she thought that their teacher Miss. Mason will announce the winners today. After hearing that, she said she hoped so. Also, she said that anyhow Peggy would win the competition.
After that, Peggy said that she also hoped the same. When they entered the classroom, both of them breathed heavily. As they were walking fast, they felt gasping once they reached the school. The drawings were all over the room, on every ledge and windowsill. The drawings were filled up with dazzling colours and lavish designs. All the people who participated in the competition did their drawings on great sheets of wrapping paper. There were hundreds of drawings lined up in the room. These were the contest drawings. Everyone came to the classroom, whistled or muttered admiringly.
After that, Peggy said that she also hoped the same. When they entered the classroom, both of them breathed heavily. As they were walking fast, they felt gasping once they reached the school. The drawings were all over the room, on every ledge and windowsill. The drawings were filled up with dazzling colours and lavish designs. All the people who participated in the competition did their drawings on great sheets of wrapping paper. There were hundreds of drawings lined up in the room. These were the contest drawings. Everyone came to the classroom, whistled or muttered admiringly.
Meanings of the difficult words:
S.No | Words | Meanings |
1 | Drizzling | Rain in very small, light drops |
2 | Announce | To make something known or tell people about something officially |
3 | Gasp | To take a short, quick breath through the mouth, especially because of surprise, pain, or shock |
4 | Drawing | The act of making a picture with a pencil or pen, or a picture made in this way |
5 | Ledge | A narrow shelf that sticks out from a vertical surface |
6 | Windowsill | A shelf below a window, either inside or outside a building |
7 | Dazzling | Extremely attractive or exciting |
8 | Contest | A competition to do better than other people, usually in which prizes are given |
9 | Whistled | To make a high sound by forcing air through a small hole or passage, especially through the lips, or through a special device held to the lips |
10 | Murmur | To speak or say something very quietly |
National Council of Educational Research and Training (2007). The Hundred Dresses I - Eleanor Estes (pp. 63 - 72). Published at the Publication Division by the Secretary, National Council of Educational Research and Training, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi.