எங்கள் ஆசிரியர்களுடன் 1-ஆன்-1 ஆலோசனை நேரத்தைப் பெறுங்கள். டாப்பர் ஆவதற்கு நாங்கள் பயிற்சி அளிப்போம்
Book Free DemoThe story "A Triumph of Surgery" is about how pampering someone (people or animals) can cause issues. The story centres around a dog named 'Tricki' who belonged to Mrs. Pumphrey, a wealthy lady. The narrator begins his story by explaining how Mrs. Pumphrey was out on a stroll with her dog one day when the narrator drove by that side and noticed Tricki. Tricki's appearance surprised the narrator, and there was a reason for it. Tricki had gained a significant amount of weight and looked like a bloated sausage with limbs on both ends. The narrator noticed that his (Tricki's) eyes were reddish and wet, and his tongue was lolling out of his jaws, indicating that the dog was not feeling well.
The above paragraph indicates two things. The narrator must have known Tricki already, and Tricki was not well at that time, and he had gained a lot of weight.
The narrator's profession is that of a veterinary surgeon. Mrs. Pumphrey rushed to explain the reason for Tricki's illness to the narrator while the narrator was looking at Tricki. She addressed the narrator as Mr. Herriot and told him that Tricki appeared exhausted, as if he didn't have any energy. As a result, she assumed it was caused by malnutrition. Mrs Pumphrey had thus overfed Tricki with foods such as malt and cod liver oil, as well as a bowl of Horlicks in between meals.The cause of Tricki's bulging appearance is now known: Mrs. Pumphrey overfed Tricki, causing him to become overweight and ill.
Since the narrator was concerned about Tricki's health, he asked Mrs. Pumphrey if she had stopped giving Tricki sweets, because he would have previously recommended her to do so. This narrator's question implies that Tricki had previously had certain health difficulties that the narrator had dealt with.
Mrs. Pumphrey told the narrator that she had followed the doctor's advice for a while, but that she had to stop being so harsh with Tricki since she thought the diet plan was making him weaker. Mrs. Pumphrey couldn't help herself from giving Tricki his favourite cakes and chocolates.The narrator then realised Tricki's problem. The dog was a voracious eater, and could eat at any time of day. When his stomach was full, he didn't know how to say no to food. The narrator also considered all the things Mrs. Pumphrey served Tricki that she did not reveal to him.
Though the narrator was aware that Tricki's problem was overfeeding, he never told Mrs. Pumphrey. He was well aware that Tricki's condition was caused by his greed and that Tricki had been pampered by Mrs. Pumphrey. The narrator again asked Mrs. Pumphrey if Tricki was exercising, to which Mrs. Pumphrey replied that she did take him out for walks now and then; she also gave a reason why the dog was not doing his ring-throwing exercise regularly: the gardener who used to take him out to play was unable to come to work due to lower back pain. 'Lumbago' means 'lower back pain'.
Mrs. Pumphrey had irritated the narrator by not following his advice, causing Tricki's condition to deteriorate worse. So he began a serious talk with Mrs. Pumphrey. He told Mrs. Pumphrey that if she did not put the above mentioned things into effect (such as cutting down on sweets and making Tricki exercise regularly), Tricki would become extremely ill.
After explaining the significance of nutrition and exercise, the narrator also advised Mrs. Pumphrey to be firm with Tricki and put him on a strict diet in order to avoid making the same mistake she had made previously.
Mrs. Pumphrey was stumped as to how to respond to the narrator, and after some thought, she confessed that, despite knowing the narrator was right, she couldn't refuse Tricki's normal meals. She then headed out with a warm smile, as though she was determined to stick to the new schedule (accepting the doctor's advice on the food plan).
As Tricki was leaving with his mistress, the narrator kept staring at him, who was walking unsteadily. He never missed to note Tricki's tweed coat. Mrs. Pumphrey was a wealthy lady, and Tricki had a closet full of coats, as well as a raincoat for rainy days, indicating that she had a lot of money to spend on her dog and treated him like a child.
Even at this point, the narrator anticipated Mrs. Pumphrey's failure to heed the doctor's advice, and he was correct. In the days following their meeting, the narrator received a call from Tricki's house informing about his illness.
Mrs. Pumphrey was inconsolably distressed because Tricki refused to eat anything, including his favourite foods, and was frequently vomiting. He didn't want to do anything but lie down on the carpet and breathe heavily.
As previously stated, the narrator anticipated Tricki's illness. The author planned a method to cure Tricki's condition ahead of time, knowing that Tricki would become ill again. The narrator believed the only way to get Tricki healthy was to get him out of Mrs. Pumphrey's house for some time, since he knew he would always be pamphered and overfed by her. Notwithstanding this, the narrator did not tell Mrs. Pumphrey directly about it.
Instead, the narrator recommended that Mrs. Pumphrey admit Tricki to the hospital and keep him under observation for two weeks. Mrs. Pumphrey was taken aback by the narrator's proposal, and she nearly fainted when she heard it. It's because she couldn't be without seeing her beloved pet.
On the other hand, she was certain that Tricki couldn't be without her and that if he didn't see her every day, he would almost die. The narrator, on the other hand, was determined to not let Mrs. Pumphrey handle Tricki or even see him in the hospital until he was cured. Mrs. Pumphrey's love for her dog would aggravate his illness, which is why the narrator made such a resolution. That was the only option, he told Mrs. Pumphrey, for Tricki was seriously ill.
In addition, the narrator reasoned that it would be best to prevent any unnecessary delays and get Tricki to the hospital as quickly as possible. Even though Mrs. Pumphrey was crying since she didn't want her dog to leave her, he took the dog, wrapped him in a blanket, and put him in the car. It appeared that the situation was a mother-son split.
In these paragraphs, the narrator described how Mrs. Pumphrey's house was in disarray at the time of Tricki's departure. All the staff at Mrs. Pumphrey's house were roused, and the servants were given instructions to pack Tricki's possessions. Tricki's belongings included his day bed, his night bed, favourite cushions, toys, rubber rings, breakfast bowl, lunch bowl, and supper bowl. Tricki's possessions were packed as if he were a child for his hospital stay.
The narrator rushed out of Mrs. Pumphrey's house when he realised his car wouldn't be able to fit all of Tricki's possessions. Mrs. Pumphrey was seen crying despondently as the narrator was leaving, throwing a large number of Tricki's coats into the car. The narrator saw that everyone was crying, not just Mrs. Pumphrey, as the car was leaving. As a result, the narrator was able to recognise Tricki's significance in Mrs. Pumphrey's home. Despite the fact that the events that occurred in Mrs. Pumphrey's home appeared to be too much for a dog, the narrator could see the rich lady's affection for her childlike dog.
He patted the helpless, sick dog, who wiggled his tail in response. The narrator was aware that Tricki was exhausted and appeared to be weaker due to a lack of energy, but he was hopeful that he might help him (Tricki) regain his previous (healthy) state.
Tricki and the narrator arrived at the hospital. There appeared to be some dogs already in the hospital. As soon as the narrator and Tricki arrived at the hospital, the other dogs surrounded them. Tricki looked at each of them, and when he was placed on the carpet by the doctor, he was unable to move since he was weak. The other dogs sniff at Tricki and thought he was an uninteresting creature, and that waiting for him was useless because he did not move or react. The narrator then made a bed in a warm box for Tricki alongside the other dogs, as he felt none of the possessions of Tricki, like his beds, coats, etc., were necessary.
The narrator fed Tricki with plenty of water and nothing else for two days, knowing that overfeeding was the source of his problems. Apart from water, no food or medicine was given to Tricki as the narrator believed it would help Tricki in his recovery. And what magic! It worked out.
Tricki began to improve quickly from his sick state, and on the second day, he began to show an interest in the new surroundings he was in, and on the third day, he began to bark to let the hospital staff know that he wanted to go out like other dogs.
Tricki's health was improving at a rapid speed. During the first few days, the narrator kept a close check on Tricki, though he did not offer it any special medicine or food. He preferred to provide only water to Tricki, which he believed was the only thing Tricki needed.
When the narrator opened the door in response to Tricki's bark, he was immediately swamped by Joe, a greyhound inside the hospital, and the other dogs. Greyhounds are known for their keen sense of smell and quickness Also, this line depicts Tricki's health and how it has improved without the use of medical therapy. After sniffing Tricki for the second time, the dogs walked into the garden, followed by Tricki. Tricki was then accepted as a member of the hospital's dog group and started playing with them, though his fat body was too heavy to do so.
After a few days at the hospital, the narrator decided to provide Tricki with food in addition to water. After deciding to do so, the narrator instructed Tristan, the hospital staff, to give food for Tricki; and while Tristan was busy giving them with food, the narrator observed them (all dogs) eating their food, particularly Tricki. All of the dogs were eating rapidly because they knew that if they didn't, the other dog would come over once he finished his meal and eat their dinner. Tricki was not in the condition to eat when he left Mrs. Pumphrey's residence, nor did he appear to be energetic. However, things changed for Tricki after it entered the narrator's hospital.
When the dogs finished eating, Tricki strolled around gazing at the empty, shiny bowls and licked a few of them. It indicated that he was cured and was ready to consume meals again, unlike during his ill period. This brings out two things.
Tricki had returned to a healthy state and expressed a need for more food. The narrator noticed Tricki's activities closely. As a result, an extra bowl was placed for Tricki the next day, and the narrator was pleased to see him racing for his bowl. Tricki had begun to improve at a rapid rate. Since Tricki was so active, the narrator gave him additional food; he continued to play and run with the other dogs, unlike at Mrs. Pumphrey's place.
The narrator's guess was right, and his unusual treatment of Tricki worked out. Without using any medications on Tricki, the narrator could clearly see how his health was improving at a quick pace. Tricki also began playing with the other dogs throughout the day. Tricki loved playing with the dogs and would be bowled over, tramped on, and squeezed every few minutes.
All of the other dogs accepted him as a member of the family. Despite becoming lean and smooth, he used to fight with his other dogs, who were much larger than him, for his meals. He'd also hunt rats inside the henhouse at night. He was having a great time because he had never done anything like this before, and the narrator's hospital environment had provided him with a lot of satisfaction, despite the lack of luxury compared to Mrs. Pumphrey's house.
Mrs. Pumphrey's dog was improving day by day, but she was still worried about him because Tricki was very ill when he left her home. Mrs. Pumphrey frequently called the narrator after Tricki was admitted to the narrator's hospital to inquire about Tricki's health as she was not allowed to visit her dog for two weeks. She was always inquiring about Tricki's coats, beds, and other belongings, asking whether they had been changed for day and night accordingly, and if Tricki had been given the appropriate coat for the weather. The narrator's did avoid such questions and informed Mrs. Pumphrey that Tricki was no longer in danger and that his health was improving.
Mrs. Pumphrey hoped Tricki a rapid recovery because she couldn't bear being separated from her beloved pet. As a result, Mrs. Pumphrey started sending the narrator's hospital two dozen eggs per day because she thought that would nourish her dog, and indeed the narrator and his friends were each given two eggs for breakfast (provided by Mrs. Pumphrey). Mrs. Pumphrey then started sending in bottles of wine to boost the quality of Trickis' blood. Before lunch, the narrator and his partners had two glasses of wine, followed by a few more. Despite the narrator's warnings concerning Tricki's food restrictions, Mrs. Pumphrey sends meals to the narrator's hospital to be given to Tricki. Normally, people drink wine with their meals on ceremonial occasions, but with Tricki's presence at the hospital, the narrator and his companions, as well as the surgical assistant, etc. drank wine with their meals sent by Mrs. Pumphrey in the same way that they do on ceremonial occasions.
Apart from eggs and wine, Mrs. Pumphrey started sending in brandy, which surprised the narrator. At that time, the narrator was not able to believe that Mrs. Pumphrey actually wanted them to give brandy to Tricki to improve his health. The narrator and his hospital staff shared the brandy sent by her amongst themselves. Some days, the narrator used to feel very happy as he would start his day with extra eggs, then he would have a few glasses of wine in the afternoon and then end the day with the brandy. Because of all the things that were being sent for Tricki, the narrator was really tempted to keep him as a permanent guest at the surgery.
The narrator notoriously thought that Tricki could stay with them forever, but then he realised Mrs Pumphrey's suffering without Tricki.
Despite the fact that the narrator and the surgical members had a fantastic time with all of the delicacies supplied by Mrs. Pumphrey, he did not want to keep Tricki with him and wished for Tricki to return to Mrs. Pumphrey's residence as soon as possible.As a result, the narrator felt compelled to call Mrs. Pumphrey and inform her about Tricki's recovery and asked her to pick him up. So, finally after two weeks, Tricki was going back home.
A large black car drove into the narrator's hospital just minutes after the narrator phoned Mrs. Pumphrey's house. It was Mrs. Pumphrey's car. Her prompt appearance showed how much she yearned to see Tricki, her adored pet. The chauffeur opened the door as the car arrived at the hospital. The narrator could see Mrs. Pumphrey seated inside the car, her fingers crossed and her lips trembling, indicating her tense mood. After all, the narrator knew Mrs. Pumphrey didn't expect to see her dog or in a bad circumstance again. She then asked the narrator, with some nervousness in her voice, if Tricki was really better, to which the narrator replied affirmatively. After assuring her about Tricki's wellness, he walked inside to take Tricki out. The narrator did not want Mrs. Pumphrey to leave her car and walk into surgery because Tricki is no longer sick and is fit to be returned to her.
When the narrator went to the garden behind the hospital, he noticed all the dogs running around and Tricki running in the middle of them. In just two weeks, he had totally healed. Tricki appeared to be in better health, as he was playing with the other dogs and his chest was touching the ground, indicating that he had lost weight. As a result of his hyper activities and limited food, Tricki had lost a lot of weight and had become more elastic, becoming more slim from his bloated state within two weeks, unlike at Mrs. Pumphrey's house. Tricki had finally matured into a strong muscular dog.
When the narrator took Tricki to the front of the house, he saw that the chauffeur was still holding the door of the car. When Tricki saw his mistress inside the car, he was very much delighted and quickly jumped from the narrator's hands to his mistress's lap. This shows Tricki's love for Mrs. Pumphrey. This incident also indicates that not only Mrs. Pumphrey was longing to see Tricki, but Tricki, in turn, had longed to see her.
Tricki licked her face and barked at her, which showed his love for Mrs. Pumphrey. Both Mrs. Pumphrey and Tricki were excited to see each other after two weeks. Meanwhile, the chauffeur and the narrator got all of Tricki's stuff out of the car, which had not even been touched on all those days of treatment. Mrs. Pumphrey was really moved, and there were tears in her eyes out of happiness.
Mrs. Pumphrey leaned out the window as she was leaving and told the narrator that she couldn't thank him enough for what he'd done. She was really moved to see her healthy dog, as promised by the narrator. Finally, she said, "This is a Triumph of Surgery!", indicating the success of Tricki's treatment. The narrator did not reveal to Mrs. Pumphrey the root cause of Tricki's illness or the treatment he gave to Tricki. Instead, he was happy about curing Tricki.