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How bright on the blue
Is a kite when it’s new!
With a dive and a dip
It snaps its tail
Then soars like a ship
With only a sail
As over tides
Of wind it rides,
Climbs to the crest
Of a gust and pulls,
Then seems to rest
The poem is about a kite. Kite is made out of paper and is later tied to a string.
A paper kite with a string
The colourful kite soars high in the sky, and when it is a new kite, it looks beautiful. The line "how bright on the blue" means how bright in the sky. Here, the poet calls the sky blue as the sky is blue in colour. It can also mean that the sky is clear without clouds.
A colourful kite in the blue sky
Generally, the kite does not stay straight; it sways like waves. It also doesn’t fly at the same height: sometimes it flies high and occasionally low. But then, with the help of its tails, it can soar even higher.
Tail helps the kite soar higher
The kite looks like a ship sailing on the high tides. Here the soaring of the kite is compared to the sailing of the ship.
A kite is compared to a ship

As the wind pushes the ship, it sways and moves through the water. Similarly, the kite climbs higher as the wind blows.
Later, when the wind drops, the kite shifts into a rest mode.

Meanings of difficult words:
Dive Plunge
Snaps Breaks suddenly
Soars Fly high in the air
SailMove in a boat
Gust A sudden strong rush of wind
National Council of Educational Research and Training (2006). Honeysuckle. The Kite  (pp. 27). Published at the Publication Division by the Secretary, National Council of Educational Research and Training, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi.