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Methodical recommendation:


Number Name Description
Number 1. Name An Indian - American Woman in Space - Kalpana Chawla Description Learn the paragraphs of the lesson.
Number 2. Name Prologue Description Learn the paragraphs of the newspaper clipping.
Number 3. Name Paragraphs 1-2 Description Learn the description of paragraphs 1-2.
Number 4. Name Paragraphs 3 and 4 Description Learn the description of paragraphs 3-4.
Number 5. Name Paragraphs 5 and 6 Description Learn the description of paragraphs 5 - 6.
Number 6. Name Paragraph 7 Description Learn the description of paragraph 7
Number 7. Name Explanation - Paragraphs 1 to 7 Description Learn the description of the paragraphs of the lesson.
Number 8. Name Summary - Kalpana Chawla - An Indian - American Woman in Space Description Learn the summary of the lesson.
Number 9. Name Glossary Description Learn the meanings of difficult words.
Number 10. Name Antonyms Description Learn the concept of prefixed antonyms, explained with examples.
Number 11. Name British vs. American English Description Learn the differences in spellings between US and UK English, explained with examples.

Practice Questions

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
Number 1. Name Right or wrong based on the lesson Type 1st type - receptive Difficulty easy Marks 3 m. Description Practise exercise based on the lesson.
Number 2. Name Choose the correct answer Type 2nd type - interpretation Difficulty medium Marks 6 m. Description Practise exercise based on the entire lesson.
Number 3. Name Fill in the summary Type 2nd type - interpretation Difficulty easy Marks 4.5 m. Description Practise to fill in the summary with different options.
Number 4. Name Choose the correct meaning Type 1st type - receptive Difficulty medium Marks 6 m. Description Practise exercise based on the glossary.
Number 5. Name Find the Antonyms Type 2nd type - interpretation Difficulty easy Marks 3 m. Description Practise exercise based on the antonyms of the lesson.
Number 6. Name Choose the correct American spelling Type 1st type - receptive Difficulty easy Marks 3 m. Description Practise to identify the correct American Spelling.
Number 7. Name Pick the correct word Type 2nd type - interpretation Difficulty easy Marks 1 m. Description Practise to find the correct word for each sentence.
Number 8. Name Arrange in the correct order Type 3rd type - analysis Difficulty hard Marks 2.7 m. Description Practise making sentences with the words given.

Questions for Teacher Use

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
Number 1. Name Select the correct answer Type Other Difficulty medium Marks 6 m. Description Practise exercise based on the entire lesson.
Number 2. Name Select the correct word Type Other Difficulty medium Marks 6 m. Description Pracice exercise based on the glossary.
Number 3. Name Choose the correct British spelling Type Other Difficulty easy Marks 3 m. Description Practise to identify the correct British spelling.
Number 4. Name Write the sentences Type Other Difficulty medium Marks 6 m. Description Practise making sentences with the given expressions.
Number 5. Name Answer in brief Type Other Difficulty medium Marks 6 m. Description Recall the unit and answer the questions briefly.
Number 6. Name Answer in detail Type Other Difficulty hard Marks 9 m. Description Recall the unit and answer the questions in detail.
Number 7. Name Write the Summary Type Other Difficulty hard Marks 10 m. Description Recall the unit and write the summary of the lesson.
Number 8. Name Writing exercise Type Other Difficulty medium Marks 7 m. Description Practise writing about a given situation.
Number 9. Name Writing exercise - II Type Other Difficulty hard Marks 10 m. Description Practise writing about your role model.


Number Name Recomended time: Difficulty Marks Description
Number 1. Name Training test - I Recomended time: 00:10:00 Difficulty medium Marks 9 m. Description
Number 2. Name Training test - II Recomended time: 00:20:00 Difficulty medium Marks 8.5 m. Description

Periodic assessments

Number Name Recomended time: Difficulty Marks Description
Number 1. Name Homework - I Recomended time: 00:15:00 Difficulty hard Marks 10 m. Description
Number 2. Name Homework - II Recomended time: 00:20:00 Difficulty medium Marks 14.7 m. Description
Number 3. Name Homework - III Recomended time: 00:10:00 Difficulty medium Marks 6 m. Description
Number 4. Name Progress test - I Recomended time: 00:20:00 Difficulty hard Marks 4 m. Description
Number 5. Name Progress test - II Recomended time: 00:20:00 Difficulty medium Marks 19 m. Description
Number 6. Name Progresive test - III Recomended time: 00:20:00 Difficulty hard Marks 9 m. Description