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     Another animal which lives in the desert is the camel. Camels were first domesticated by people many thousands of years ago. In the wild, camels usually live in small groups of up to thirty animals. Camels have long, shaggy winter coats to keep warm and shorter, tidier coats in the summer to keep cool. A thirsty camel can drink as such as thirty gallons of water — that’s about five hundred full glasses — in just ten minutes. Normally, however, it gets all the moisture it needs from desert plants and can survive for up to ten months without drinking any water at all.
Camels, which were once considered wild animals, were tamed by our ancestors a long time ago. Usually, camels live within small groups, and each group can count up to thirty camels. While their coats grow long and shaggy to trap heat during cold season, the coat becomes short and cleaner during warmer climes. The amazing fact about the camel is, it can drink up to thirty gallons of water, which is about five hundred glasses of water in just ten minutes. Also, it gets moisture from the desert plants, and it can live a maximum of ten months without drinking a drop of water.
Meanings of difficult words:
DomesticatedTo tame to keep at home or any other place
ShaggyCovered with long, untidy hair
TidierOrderly and clean in appearance
A unit of liquid equal to 4.55 litres
MoistureWater or other liquid diffused in a small quantity as vapour
National Council of Educational Research and Training (2006). Honeysuckle. Desert Animals (pp. 112-120). Published at the Publication Division by the Secretary, National Council of Educational Research and Training, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi.