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Deserts are where no one can find water, and they are known as the driest place on Earth. The animals present in the desert can not survive without water, so they seek a different living place for every climatic change. The desert is at high temperatures, and they have the worst conditions where the animals can't survive.

For example, Gerbils occupy the place underground to feel less heat.
Some insects like Darkling Beetles catch the drops of moisture on their legs and suck them through the air.
During the spring season, the weather usually turns warmer, and trees begin to grow their leaves, and plants start to flower. Deserts are generally rocky and dotted with bushes.
More than \(2300\) snakes are known to exist, from fifteen centimetres to eleven metres long. Some of the snakes are non-poisonous, a snake with venom can kill a human being in a single bite. Moreover, snakes can lay eggs, and some will give birth to their young. It has a frightening look, and it is considered as a dangerous animal. They are found in the rocky deserts of America. The rattle or rattlesnakes could be heard thirty meters away, and they can strike at the speed of lightning.

The rattler or rattlesnake is also a dangerous reptile. While it avoids people as much as possible and holds its tail upright and shakes it to warn the source of its disturbance. If it is still disturbed or feels threatened, it coils up and strikes.
The rattler cannot hear its own sound, whereas all the snakes can feel the person's movement through the ground vibration. Snakes, though unable to hear sound, can easily detect movement.
Simultaneously, the rattler is a common and widespread animal and lives mostly in both the Americas from Canada to Argentina. They feed animals like mice, voles, rats, chipmunks, etc. And the rattler will also kill the prey by spraying venom and swallowing the animals.
Most snakes can go for a week without food, some pythons can survive for more than a year without eating.
Mongooses, being mammals, prefer to hunt in groups. They always keep an eye on the predator's movement. The mongoose is one of the animals that feed on other animals. It is small and moves quickly and easily. It has a speciality of poking its nose into holes, and it has sharp paws and claws where it can easily scratch the ground. Banded mongoose is also an interesting creature. The native of this mongoose is Africa, and it usually travels in a group of twenty. They search and hunt for the insects like beetles, millipedes, and others.
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Mongooses travel in a group in search of food. If a mongoose cannot see other members of its group, it communicates by making bird-like calls which tells the others where they are, thereby being in contact even when unseen. Mongoose will watch out for animals like eagles, hawks, and large snakes. And in case of emergency or on noticing something doubtful, then they make a sound to alert the others.
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A group of mongooses
Mongooses are famed for killing snakes without hurting themselves. When the snake is attacking, then the mongoose responds at high speed. They attack continuously and annoy the snake until the snake gets tired; finally, they land the killing blow on the tired snake.

Interestingly, all the female mongooses give birth simultaneously, and the whole group will take care of all the babies. They don't have such responsibilities yet; all the mongooses in a group have considerations for them. The mongoose can make a burrow where they can safely protect the babies from harm. Mongooses raise their young in old, abandoned termite mounds. If the mongooses are searching for the food, then there will be two male mongooses who will stay back to look after the babies, and they will wait for other mongooses to arrive.

Termite mound
Camels, which were once considered wild animals, were tamed by our ancestors a long time ago. Usually, camels live within small groups, and each group can count up to thirty camels. While their coats grow long and shaggy to trap heat during cold season, the coat becomes short and cleaner during warmer climes. The amazing fact about the camel is, it can drink up to thirty gallons of water, which is about five hundred glasses of water, in just ten minutes. And also it gets moisture from the desert plants and it can live a maximum of ten months without drinking a drop of water.
There are two types of camels namely,
  • The Dromedary
  • The Bactrian Camel
The Dromedary has only one hump, while the Bactrian camel has two humps on it. Some humans assume that the hump is full of water. However, it is not so. The hump is actually made up of fat. When the food becomes scarce in the desert, camel uses the stored fat from the hump and nourishes itself. If the camel doesn't have anything to eat for several days, the hump will become smaller. The mouth of the camel is so strong that even sharp thorns can not tear it. All these features help camels adapt to desert life.