PDF chapter test TRY NOW

 A phrase is a group of words that are together as a single unit, as part of a clause or a sentence.
A phrase does not contain a subject and verb and, so it cannot make a complete sentence. A phrase is not like a clause. A clause does contain a subject and a verb, and it can make a complete sentence.
1. As soon as you got in, he went out.
(As soon as is a conjunctional phrase.)

2. Popcorn popping, the dog was ready for the film.
Popcorn popping” modifies the clause “the dog was ready for the film.”

3. The entire rugby team, their uniforms muddy and stained, shouted in joy.
Phrases from the lesson "Fair Play":
  1. So strong was their bond of friendship.
  2. He would look after her.
  3. The arrangement worked well for a couple of years.
  4. A few others advised her to make it up with her nephew and his wife.
  5. But is it right, my son, to keep mum?
  6. The Panch knows neither friend nor enemy.
  7. You and I are old friends.
  8. We have gone into the matter carefully.
  9. She swallowed these insults along with her food for a few months.
  10. The Friends were seldom seen together.
  11. Algu Chowdhry found himself in a tight spot.
  12. It so happened that the bullock died within a month.
  13. Days passed and, as ill luck would have it, Algu Chowdhry found himself in a tight spot.
  14. Algu’s heart sank and he turned pale.
  15. Algu’s heart sank and he turned pale.
  16. But I also know that you will not kill your conscience for the sake of friendship.
  17. But I also know that you will not kill your conscience for the sake of friendship.
  18. Sahu saw his chance and proposed the name of Jumman.
  19. His tears washed away all the dirt of misunderstanding between them.
  20. His tears washed away all the dirt of misunderstanding between them.