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“We have been tricked!” shouted the villagers. “Where is Taro? Let us drown him in this waterfall.” But Taro had been wise enough to slip behind a rock when he saw how things were going. He was nowhere to be found.
Muttering their anger and disappointment, the villagers left the place one by one. Taro came out from his hiding place. Was it true, he wondered? Was the saké a dream? Once more he caught a little liquid in his hand and put it to his lips. It was the same fine saké. To the thoughtful son, the magic waterfall gave the delicious saké. To everyone else, it gave only cold water.
When the villagers realised that there was no saké, they became very angry.

The angry villagers
They felt as if Taro tricked them. They called out for Taro and said that they should drown him in the waterfall for fooling them. But Taro quickly hid behind a rock.
Later, the villagers started leaving one by one. They were both angry and disappointed. Once everyone has left the place, Taro came out quietly and knelt beside the waterfall. He wondered whether the magic saké was all but a dream. He cupped his hands to take some water from the waterfall and tasted it.

Taro taking some water in the cup of his hands
Then, the real magic happened. It was not water; it was the same delicious saké! The magic waterfall had given plain and cold water to the villagers but delicious saké to Taro. It was the Nature's gift to Taro for being the thoughtful son. Taro's love and care for his old parents had moved the magic waterfall to work its magic and gave him the delicious saké.
Meanings of the difficult words:
Sl. No. | Words | Meanings |
1 | Tricked | Fooled. |
2 | Drown | Dropping into water. |
3 | Wise | Clever; intelligent; practical |
4 | Slip | Go or move quietly or quickly, without attracting notice. |
5 | Muttering | Speaking unclearly. |
6 | Disappointment | Sadness or displeasure caused by the non-fulfilment of one's hopes or expectations. |
7 | Wondered | Ask oneself. |
8 | Fine | Of very high quality. |
9 | Thoughtful son | A son who gives importance to the welfare or comfort of his parents. |
National Council of Educational Research and Training (2006). Honeysuckle. Taro’s Reward (pp. 29-34). Published at the Publication Division by the Secretary, National Council of Educational Research and Training, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi.