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The Rebel is a poem written by D.J.Enright. The poet talks about a rebellious child. When everybody cut their hair short, the rebel grew long hair and when others grew long hair, he cut his hair short. When others were talking in the class, he remained silent, and when others were silent, the rebel created a disturbance. When all the students wore uniforms, the rebel wore fantastic clothes; when others wore attractive clothes, the rebel dressed soberly. The rebel spoke in preference of cats in a group of dog lovers; he also spoke in preference of dogs, in a group of cat lovers. He expressed the importance of rain in the summer season and missed the sunshine in the rainy season. When others went to a meeting, he stayed home and read a book; when others stayed home, he went for the meeting. When others agreed on something, he denied; when others denied, he agreed. The poet says it is good to have rebels, but it is not good to be one.
Being a rebel is not easy!