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The king was very happy to have made peace with his enemy so easily and to have won him over as a friend. He not only forgave him but said he would send his servants and his own doctor to look after him, and he promised to give back the man his property.
Leaving the wounded man, the king went out of the hut and looked around for the hermit. Before going away, he wished once more to get answers to his questions. The hermit was on his knees sowing seeds in the beds that had been dug the day before. The king went up to the hermit and said, “For the last time I beg you to answer my questions, wise man.”
“You have already been answered!” said the hermit still bending down to the ground and looking up at the king as he stood before him.

“How have I been answered? What do you mean?”
The king was delighted that his deed has re-established friendly relations easily. He had made his enemy his friend, who had promised to be faithful to him. He forgave the bearded man, promised to return the property that he had taken from him, and also sent his servants and doctors to take care of him.
The king went out of the hut and searched for the hermit. The hermit was sowing seeds in the small patches that they had dug the day before.
sow seeds.jpg
The hermit was sowing seeds, in the beds dug the previous day!
Before leaving the woods, he asked again about the answers to his questions. He pleaded the hermit to give him the answers.
The hermit said his answers had already been answeredHe did not even look up to the king, as he was still bending down to sow the seeds.
The king asked the explanation as to how he had been answered and what he meant.
National Council of Educational Research and Training (2007). Honeycomb. Three Questions - Leo Tolstoy (pp. 7-13). Published at the Publication Division
by the Secretary, National Council of Educational Research and Training, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi.