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The king turned around and saw a bearded man running towards them. His hands were pressed against his stomach, from which blood was flowing. When he reached the king, he fainted and fell to the ground. The king and the hermit removed the man’s clothing and found a large wound in his stomach. The king washed and covered it with his handkerchief, but the blood would not stop flowing. The king re-dressed the wound until at last, the bleeding stopped.
The man felt better and asked for something to drink. The king brought fresh water and gave it to him. By this time, the sun had set, and the air was cool. The king with the hermit’s help carried the wounded man into the hut and laid him on the bed. The man closed his eyes and lay quiet. The king, tired by his walk and the work he had done, lay down on the floor and slept through the night. When he awoke, it was several minutes before he could remember where he was or who the strange bearded man lying on the bed was.
The king turned around to see who the hermit had mentioned. A bearded man was running towards them with his hands on his stomach, from where he was bleeding. When he reached their spot, he lost consciousness and fell. The king and the hermit removed his clothing and found a big wound on his stomach. The king washed the wound and covered it with his handkerchief to stop the bleeding. But it was bleeding heavily. The king did not give up, and he kept re-dressing the wound till the blood stopped.
The king washed and dressed the bleeding stomach!
The man gained consciousness and asked for something to drink. The king gave him some water. By then, it was getting dark and cooler. The king and the hermit carried the man to the hermit's hut and laid him on the bed. The man stayed still and quiet. The king also lied down on the floor due to exhaustion of the day's work. All of them slept through the night. When he woke the next day morning, he took some time to remember what has happened the previous night, where he was, or who the bearded stranger was.
The king, the hermit and the bearded man slept in the humble hut!
Meanings of difficult words:
FaintedLost consciousness.
Re-dressedDressed refers to treating a wound; re-dressed means dressing again.
National Council of Educational Research and Training (2007). Honeycomb. Three Questions - Leo Tolstoy (pp. 7-13). Published at the Publication Division by the Secretary, National Council of Educational Research and Training, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi.