எங்கள் ஆசிரியர்களுடன் 1-ஆன்-1 ஆலோசனை நேரத்தைப் பெறுங்கள். டாப்பர் ஆவதற்கு நாங்கள் பயிற்சி அளிப்போம்

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     Whenever one of his goats disappeared, Abbu Khan was very sad. He did not understand why even the juiciest grass and grains that he gave them, and all the love that he showered on them, would not stop these unfortunate goats from running straight into the jaws of death. Are these goats mad, he wondered! Or was it their love for freedom! But freedom meant struggle, hardship, even death. Abbu Khan couldn’t solve the mystery.
     One day, when all his goats had left him, Abbu Khan said to himself, “No more goats in my house ever again. I may yet live for a few more years but I’ll live without goats.” However, the poor old man was terribly lonely. He simply couldn’t do without his pets. Very soon he bought a young goat. He thought, “A young goat will stay with me much longer. She will soon begin to love me as well as the food I give her every day. She will never want to go to the hills.” And he laughed with joy.
Abbu was disappointed whenever his goat went missing since he knew a hill wolf had murdered it. Though the loss of the goats saddened Abbu, he was confused as to why his goats had left his home. After all, Abbu fed his goats the finest food possible, including the freshest grass and grains. In addition, the amount of affection he showered on his goats was immeasurable.

Abbu wondered why his extraordinary care and affection for his pets (pet goats) had not prevented them from fleeing to the hills and dying. He questioned himself if the goats were insane or if it was just due to their need for freedom, which led them to flee the hut for the hills. He was still confused as to why the goats would choose freedom above the comfort and love they enjoyed at Abbu's home, especially when they were about to be slaughtered by wolves.

Abbu was not convinced as to why freedom was chosen as an important thing by the goats among the privileges it enjoyed, that too, at the cost of losing their (goats') lives. For Abbu Khan, the constant departure of goats remained a mystery, and he was puzzled for the reasons mentioned above.

The old man (Abbu Khan) was downcast after losing all of his beloved goats. After his beloved goats died, he resolved not to have any more goats as a pet. Abbu, on the other hand, was lonely after a while since he had no one to love. He also missed having a pet goat. This feeling of loneliness inspired him to get a goat one day. Because the goat he brought home was so young, he assumed it would stay with Abbu for a long time. He also assumed that she (the new goat) would begin to love him and the food he fed her. And, unlike his other goats, he decided to show it more affection and provide excellent food for it to avoid it fleeing to the hills. He was overjoyed when he arrived home with the baby goat.
Meaning of difficult words:
Unfortunately Used to describe an event that is unlucky or bad
HardshipDifficult or unpleasant conditions of life
MysterySomething strange that you cannot understand
PuzzledConfused because you are unable to understand something
Insane Mentally ill
Departure Leaving or going away from a place
National Council of Educational Research and Training (2007). Chandni – Zakir Husain (pp. 43- 51). Published at the Publication Division by the Secretary, National Council of Educational Research and Training, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi.