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Dinesh Mukherji
'Bepin Choudhury's Lapse of memory' is a  story about an  named . He preferred spending time alone with his books over spending time with people. One day, Bepin would encounter a stranger in a book shop. His name was Parimal Ghose. Parimal Ghose claimed to have known Bepin. Bepin was taken aback by Ghose's claim, and he tried his best to convince Parimal that he had  Bepin for someone else. Parimal Ghose, on the other hand, was not convinced and listed Bepin's personal information such as his reading habits, wife's death, and brother's illness to  his claim.
Parimal also informed Bepin that his friend  had joined him on his Ranchi visit, and that Bepin suffered a right knee  after falling down in Hudroo. Even though Bepin did not  Parimal Ghose's , he couldn't stop but wonder how Parimal knew so much about Bepin.
Bepin's peace of mind was disturbed as the  continued to bother him. He then turned his attention to his right knee, where he found an injury mark. Bepin had a  and had never had any problems with  before. He felt confident about not having gone to Ranchi. He still wanted to clear things up, so he dialled his friend Dinesh's number to inquire about his Ranchi trip. Dinesh's response, however, was not in Bepin's favour.
Bepin then told his friend Chunilal about his , hoping for a favourable response. Chunilal, to his , also confirmed Bepin's journey to Ranchi.
Bepin confirmed his partial memory loss ailment after speaking with Ghose, Dinesh, and Chunilal, and sought medical assistance. Following his doctor's advice, Bepin travelled to Ranchi to  his memories. However, he  to Calcutta with a heavy heart, having failed in his .
At last, a letter from Chunilal would aid in the  of Bepin's problem as Chunilal had  against Bepin with the help of Parimal Ghose and Dinesh. In reality, there was nothing wrong with  Bepin's memory. And, Chunilal played a prank on him as a sort  for not helping him during crisis.