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Meaning of difficult words from the lesson "This is Jody's Fawn":
S.No | Words | Meaning |
1. | Drift back | To move toward something |
2. | Close Shave | A narrow escape from danger |
3. | Abandon | To leave somebody or something that you are responsible for |
4. | Deduce | To form an opinion about something based on the available information |
5. | Dilate | Wider or more open than the usual |
6. | Sympathy | The feeling of being sorry for someone |
7. | Doe | A female deer |
8. | Fawn | A young deer |
9. | Certain | Sure about something without any doubts |
10. | Persuade | To convince somebody to do something |
11. | Gaze | To look at somebody or something for a long time |
12. | Acorns | Small nuts or fruits that grow on oak trees |
13. | Hem in | Confined or restricted without leaving |
14. | Concern | A feeling of worry |
15. | Sidle | To move towards somebody or something as if you do not want to be noticed |
16. | Ungrateful | Not acknowledging or thanking someone for anything they have done for you |
17. | Remark | Something you say or write to express your opinion |
18. | Starve | Suffering or death as a result of a lack of food |
19. | Sigh | To take and let out a long deep breath |
20. | Sensitive | Able to understand other people and their feelings |
21. | Anxious | Feeling worried or nervous |
22. | Assist | Help |
23. | Whereabouts | The place where somebody or something is |
24. | Clearing | An open area with few or no trees in the middle of a forest |
25. | Scrub | Refers to small trees and plants |
26. | Disappointment | Unhappiness as a result of expectations not being met |
27. | Endure | To deal with painful or unpleasant situation for a long time |
28. | Hiss | To make a large 's' sound |
29. | Leave me off | To leave someone at a particular destination |
30. | Bearing | A direction that is measured from a specific point |
31. | Hoof | Foot of a horse |
32. | Twig | A small thin branch of a tree or a bush |
33. | Buzzard | A large bird that hunts and eats small birds |
34. | Flap | To move up and down quickly |
35. | Oak | A large tree that produces nuts and acorns |
36. | Carcass | Dead body of an animal |
37. | Consume | To eat or drink something |
38. | Scrawny | Very thin and not attractive |
39. | Bough | A large branch of a tree |
40. | Scavenger | An animal that kills and eat other animals |
41. | Clack | To make a continuous hard sound |
42. | Adjacent | Next to or near something else |
43. | Startled | Slightly shocked or surprised |
44. | Quiver | To make a slight movement |
45. | Delirious | A happy or exciting state |
46. | Convulsion | A sudden uncontrolled shaking movement of the body |
47. | Sleek | Smooth and shiny |
48. | Bleat | The sound of a lamb |
49. | Stroke | A light, gentle touch |
50. | Thump | To beat strongly |
51. | Stride | A long step |
52. | Wobbly | Something that is unstable and shaky |
53. | Romp | To play in a happy and noisy way |
54. | Light-headed | Not in control of your thoughts or movements |
55. | Enchanted | Pleased or delighted |
56. | Precariously | In a way that is not safe |
57. | Thrust | To push forward something quickly and forcibly |
58. | Frantic | Extremely worried and scared about a situation |
59. | Snort | To make a loud noise through your nose |
60. | Flick | To move or make something move |
61. | Romp | To play in a happy and noisy way |