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Princess September was in a troubled mind due to her eight sisters' misguided direction. She looked forward to the arrival of her pet bird. The bird was absent for a very long period, according to her.
The Princess' anxiety for the welfare of the small bird peaked as time went by. She worried how his wellbeing might be challenged by the hazardous atmosphere. The likes of hawks and snares could cause the biggest damage.
Hawk and the snare
The Princess had to go through a tornado of emotions while waiting for the bird to arrive. The Princess was troubled by the notion of the bird choosing someone other than her. She shuddered at the thought of it. Her emotional frustration heightened her concern for his safety.
She sensed a 'tweet-tweet' noise beside her ear all of a sudden. The tiny bird was perched on her shoulder, content. The songbird had come in silently and leapt without leaving a trace. So she had not been alerted of the bird's arrival.
The Princess instantly expressed worry to the bird. She had inquired as to what had happened to him. The bird's attitude was calm in response. The bird informed the Princess that his father-in-law had not let him go quickly. The celebration at his father-in-law's took a little longer to wrap up. However, the bird had chosen to abandon the party as the Princess would be upset.
Because of the bird's late arrival, the Princess was already nervous. Furthermore, the bird's excuse for his delay did not make matters any better. The bird's frank confession increased September's confusion.
September's anxiety knew no boundaries. She was determined not to take any more chances. She suddenly raised her hand and got hold of the bird.
The bird raised no objection because he didn't anticipate anything. But, on the other hand, the bird was taken aback by what happened next. September approached the cage, held him inside, and locked the door. The bird was suddenly at a loss for words.
Despite the unexpected shock, the bird reacted quickly. He was curious whether she had just played a prank on him.
September defended her capture of the bird by pointing to the kingdom's sneaking cats. As a result, she considered the cage to be the safest bet.
With the prospect of being released the next morning, the bird consented to remain in the cage. The bird even stated that he didn't mind for that particular occasion only.
The bird then feasted itself on a delicious meal. He then divulged into one of his typical lullaby sessions. He unexpectedly stopped midway of his wonderful vocal performances.
The bird was puzzled about what had happened to him. He told the Princess that he was not in the mood to sing. September, on the other hand, had no complaints. She suggested that the bird sleep.
The bird quickly nodded off, heeding September's instruction. Even Princess September slept off after a few minutes.
Finally, the sun came up. The high-pitched cries of the bird woke September up.
The bird screamed out repeatedly, pleading with the Princess to wake up. Based on the preconceived assumption that the Princess had trapped the bird to protect him from the cats, the bird urged that the Princess unlock the door and let him go. He stated that he wanted to go out on an excellent fly with the dew was still on the ground. The Princess responded, to the bird's surprise, that he was better off inside the cage.
In dismay, the little bird screamed out for him to be let free. He made many efforts to break out of the cage. He began by attempting to escape through the cage's bars. Then he banged on the door. But he failed in both situations.
At that moment, the other eight princesses arrived on the scene to see the caged bird. They commended the Princess for making the intelligent decision to accept their guidance. They even assured the Princess that the bird would become accustomed to life in a tight cage in no time. They also stated that he would forget what it was like to be free.
While the eight princesses were present, the tiny bird remained silent. The bird began pleading to be let out as soon as they left the room.
In this narrative, the eight Princesses feel triumphant since they successfully influenced September's mind in the closing of the bird in a cage. Also, blinded by jealousy, the Princesses try to guarantee September of the impending misery, not deliberately mentioning the repercussions of a positive mindset. People with evil intentions generally come to us during our terrible times to add fuel to our miseries and enjoy themselves at our cost. But we may overcome this circumstance by carefully highlighting the benefits (even if only a few) of our misfortunes. Likewise, life is a combination of highs and lows. However, we can make the lowest of moments better by creating a tiny aperture for a positive change.
September declared the bird's plea as foolish. She said that she had entrapped him because she adored him. She also stated that she was conscious of what was best for him. She then requested that he perform a short song in exchange for a piece of sugar.
The tiny bird, on the other hand, never attempted to sing. He stood in the cage's corner, staring out at the beautiful sky. September then questioned the bird's sad demeanour. She recommended he perform a pleasant song to brighten his spirits.
The bird said he would need to be in the natural world before even trying to sing. He stated that he would need to view the trees, the lake, and the green rice growing in the fields in particular.
Every day, the Princess volunteered to take the bird out for a walk. However, the bird did not appear to be interested in the concept. He didn't think his needs and her idea were the same. The rice fields, lake, and willow trees, according to the bird, would appear entirely different through the cage bars.
The bird would not sing or eat anything. The Princess was concerned by the bird's refusal to cooperate. As a result, she sought guidance from her sisters. September's sisters advised her to stick to her decision. The Princess added that if the bird did not eat, he would die.
The Princesses had thought the bird's lack of cooperation was disrespectful. They also said that he made no effort to comprehend September's worry for him. They also said that if he died as a result of his stubbornness, he deserved it. In exchange, the Princess may even be able to get rid of the selfish bird.
September, on the other hand, was unconvinced by their idea. Their counsel didn't seem to be particularly helpful to her. But she couldn't say anything since she was outnumbered eight to one. Furthermore, they were all older than she was.
September worried if he would be able to get adjusted to his cage by the next day.
When September awakened the following day, she greeted the bird with a joyful good morning. She was taken aback when she received no response. She sprung from her bed and raced to the cage.
September was struck by what she saw. She gave a shocking shriek. The bird, laying on its side on the surface, closed its eyes. He looked as though he had been dead.
She unlocked the cage and took the bird out. She could still sense the bird's heartbeat. As a consequence, she let out a relieved sob since he was still alive.
Concerned about the bird's welfare, the Princess requested that it awaken. Her tears fell on the small bird as she had an emotional meltdown.
The bird said that he couldn't sing a song unless he were free to travel around.
September wept nonstop. She eventually consented to let the bird go. She also mentioned that she had locked the bird in the gilded cage because she adored him. She claimed she desired to have him all to herself but had no idea that doing so might kill him. She said that she loved him sufficiently to allow him to be happy in his way.
The theme of the narrative is expressed in the statement, "I cannot sing unless I’m free, and if I cannot sing I die." In this narrative, when the bird was in his preferred setting, he composed several calming tunes. However, when confined in a cage, he refused to eat or sing. His unwillingness to return to his regular personality became a significant source of anxiety for the Princess. As a result, the Princess had to choose the bird's freedom above her love for the bird.
The bird's confinement had influenced his creative attitude. Similarly, a person with artistic abilities (such as dancing, singing, sketching, etc.) will work effectively in a favoured atmosphere. In other words, the ideal atmosphere promotes higher levels of creativity. The creative brains refuse to operate when pushed to be inventive (like how September forced the bird to sing).
'Caging of someone' is a common metaphor. This phrase can be interpreted in many ways. However, most commonly, 'Caging of someone' is referred to people with power defining the social stature of the weak by cutting out the possible prospects of growth.
September opened the window and carefully placed the small bird on the window sill. She asked the tiny bird to come whenever he pleased. She even vowed not to place him in a cage in the future.
The bird replied that he would pay her many visits since he adored her. He even offered to perform the sweetest tunes he knew. The bird even told the Princess that he would continue to visit her despite his migration to other regions and would never forget her. He then shrugged his body, lamenting how firm he had gotten.
When the bird was left on the window sill, it flapped its wings and flew into the air. But the Princess could not take this change of events lightly. She burst into tears. It was tough for her to choose the bird's joy over her affection for the bird. Soon after, the small bird fluttered out of sight, and the Princess seemed suddenly left alone.
Soon the news reached the eight princesses. They made fun of September and predicted that the bird would never return. However, contrary to the sisters' belief, the bird did return to September. The bird sat on September's shoulder and enchanted her with a few of the most beautiful songs learned while travelling across the world.
September began anticipating the arrival of the bird eagerly. As a result, she always kept the window open so that the bird could pay her a visit whenever he liked. Her pleasant connection with the bird proved beneficial for September, and she grew to be exceedingly lovely.
In this scenario, September choosing to prioritise the bird's happiness has played well for her. The friendship between the two grew beautiful, and so did September. We can associate this situation with the saying, "The face is the index of the mind". In other words, a peaceful mind reflects on one's face.
When September reached marriageable age, she married Cambodia's King. She was transported on a white elephant to the King's capital.
A white elephant
September's sisters, on the other hand, never slept with their windows open. 'Not sleeping with the windows open' is the metaphorical take on the Princesses' unwillingness to accept change. As a result, they were very ugly and unpleasant. When they reached marriageable age, they were offered to the King's councillors along with a pound of tea and a Siamese cat.
White elephants are common in Siamese culture. The Kings of Siam usually bestow someone with a white elephant as an honorary gift. White elephants are also considered sacred, in addition to being a status symbol. On the contrary, a pound of tea is a common complementary, from the farmers to the buyers, as a grateful appreciation for a high-priced purchase. While the white elephants are unique and one-of-their-kind, the Siamese cats are domestic animals, found almost in every household of Siam.
A Siamese cat
While September conquered her possessiveness of the bird and grew into a beautiful lady, her eight sisters never allowed for positive change. As a result, they grew up to be unattractive and awful. This comparison is again related to the proverb, "The face is the index of the mind." According to this context, the other eight princesses were greedy and manipulative. As a result, they grew up to be ugly and miserable.
In addition, September made a wise decision. As a result, she gained the affection of the better bird (the Nightingale) and a happier marriage (her life with the King of Cambodia). At the same time, the other eight princesses resisted good progress, spent most of their lives in a locked room with the mediocre parrots, and married the King's less-worthy councillors. The parrots and his councillors were identical since they repeated the same thing in seven different ways, none of which made sense, as the King had previously said.