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The term symbolism can be defined as a symbol or an object representing or denotes a meaning other than the symbol's original intent. It facilitates the writer's communication of thoughts, but the signs do not have the same meaning as what the writers are referring to. The use of symbolism helps in communicating multiple meanings.
Rose - Symbol of love
My family - My support
Night-time - Evilness
Dove - Symbol of peace
Plants and Trees - Fertility
Sleep - Death
New dawn -  Freshness
In the poem 'Wind', wind represents the difficulties and obstacles in life that do not allow us to succeed. As the poet says, the wind takes advantage of weaker ones and destroys their belongings. Similarly, the difficulties in our life will keep destroying our successful efforts if we remain weak and do not keep ourselves strong enough physically and mentally.
Meaning of difficult words:
To mean something
To communicate ideas or feelings indirectly