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The story Little Girl by Katherine Mansfield revolves around the life of a little girl named . It portrays the father-child relationship during the early 20th century. Kezia is always scared of her  as he appears to be bossy and orders everyone about. She  only when she talks to him because of her fear. Her father blames her for the stutter. Kezia tries to make the relationship  by trying to talk to him. But he seems to be either busy or resting after a long day. Kezia's  gives her the idea that she should make a  for her father's birthday. She suggests to make a . In order to fill it up, Kezia unknowingly tears up her father's important  from work. She gets hit by her father, who does not listen to her explanation. She grows even more scared of him. Later, when she sees her neighbour  playing with his children, she gets even sadder that she does not have a dad like that. When her  gets sick, she is alone at home and gets . Her father tucks her in his bed and protects her with his warmth. It is then that she realises that her father is not a bad person and he has a big heart. He had only toughened up because he had to work hard for the family. Kezia finally realises that her father is  indeed.