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"The Accidental Tourist" is a lesson written by . The narrator says that he is bad at almost everything in the world. He narrates an incident that happened at an airport. While looking for the privilege card in his carry-on bag, its zip gets stuck, he ends up ripping it open and drops its contents (including his valued tin) on the floor. When he sees the blood on his finger, he becomes hysterical.
The narrator recounts three other incidents that took place on a plane. Firstly, when the narrator leans over to tie his, the man before him pushes his back seat on a  state, trapping the narrator in a crash position. Secondly, the narrator drops his drink on the lap of a , "a sweet little lady", two times in a row. The lady mutters a curse in public. Thirdly, during the narrator's worst experience, he sucks on his  and ends with a  stain all over his mouth. Unaware, he chats with an attractive lady and throws witty remarks to show off his intelligence. So, to avoid such mishaps on a plane, the narrator doesn’t drink, eat, or bring his hands near his face. He also sits on his  to keep them from moving.
Finally, the narrator explains how he never earned enough flyer miles, although everyone he knew were travelling  to Bali. He could never record his journey for various reasons: he would misplace his card, or the clerk would fail to document his journey. Or else, the clerk would inform him that he was not eligible for the points.

He recites one final incident to demonstrate his troubles with the flyer miles. When he presented his card before his flight to , the clerk rejected it stating that the names on the card and the ticket were different. While the card had   on it, the ticket had B. Bryson printed on it. Though he tried to explain how the two initials were related, the clerk disregarded it.
The narrator concludes the lesson by saying that the lack of  was for the better as he may not be able to travel a long distance without eating anything.