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Methodical recommendation:


Number Name Description
1. "I am Every Woman" Read the poem "I am Every Woman" by Rakhi Nariani Shirke.
2. Introduction An introduction to the poem "I am Every Woman" by Rakhi Nariani Shirke.
3. Explanation of stanza 1 Learn the explanation of stanza 1 from Rakhi Nariani Shirke's "I am Every Woman".
4. Explanation of stanza 2 Learn the explanation of stanza 2 from Rakhi Nariani Shirke's "I am Every Woman".
5. Explanation of stanza 3 Learn the explanation of stanza 3 from Rakhi Nariani Shirke's "I am Every Woman".
6. Explanation of stanza 4 Learn the explanation of stanza 4 from Rakhi Nariani Shirke's "I am Every Woman".
7. Explanation of stanza 5 Learn the explanation of stanza 5 from Rakhi Nariani Shirke's "I am Every Woman".
8. Explanation of the poem "I am Every Woman" Learn the explanation of the poem "I am Every Woman" by Rakhi Nariani Shirke.
9. Summary of the poem Learn the summary of the poem.
10. Summary of the poem (from the Texbook) Learn the summary of the poem.
11. Glossary Learn the meanings of the difficult words from the poem.
12. Synonyms An introduction to synonyms with examples, and synonyms for difficult words from the poem.
13. Antonyms An introduction to antonyms with examples from the poem.
14. Rhyming words An introduction to rhyming words, explanation with examples.
15. Rhyme scheme An introduction to the concept of rhyme-scheme, explained with examples.
16. Alliteration Learn more about the poetic device called alliteration with examples from the poem.
17. Metaphor Learn about metaphor.
18. Repetition Learn about the poetic device called Repetition with examples from the poem.
19. "Still I Rise" (for additional reading) Read and enjoy the poem "Still I Rise" by Maya Angelou.

Textbook Questions

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Read the following sets of poetic lines and answer the respective questions: Other medium 1 m. Practise exercise from the bookback.
2. Answer the following in a paragraph of about 80 to 100 words. Other medium 0 m. Practise exercise from the bookback.
3. Drag and drop to complete the summary Other medium 0 m. Practise exercise from the bookback.
4. Read the lines and identify the figure of speech Other medium 0 m. Practise exercise from the bookback.

Practice Questions

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Pick the correct line to complete the poem Other easy 1.5 m. Practise exercise based on the poem.
2. Select the relevant statement from the ''Introduction' Other easy 2 m. Practise exercise from the Introduction.
3. Pick the correct statements from stanza 1 Other medium 2 m. Practise exercise from stanza 1.
4. Pick the incorrect statement from stanza 2 Other medium 1 m. Practise exercise from stanza 2.
5. True or false based on stanza 3 Other easy 3 m. Practise exercise from stanza 3.
6. Pick the correct statements from stanza 4 Other medium 2 m. Practise exercise from stanza 4.
7. Pick the incorrect statement from stanza 5 Other medium 1 m. Practise exercise from stanza 5.
8. Match the following Other medium 4 m. Practise exercise based on the poem.
9. Rearrange the lines from the poem in the correct order Other medium 4 m. Practise exercise based on the poem.
10. Read the set of lines and choose the appropriate option Other medium 6 m. Practise exercise based on the explanation of the poem.
11. Fill in the blanks to form a summary Other medium 6 m. Practise exercise based on the summary.
12. Fill in the blanks using the meanings provided Other medium 4 m. Practise exercise based on the glossary.
13. Drag and drop exercise from the synonyms Other medium 4 m. Practise exercise based on synonyms.
14. Pick out the antonyms Other medium 4 m. Practise exercise based on the antonyms.
15. Choose the correct answer Other medium 2 m. Practise exercise from rhyming words.
16. Choose the rhyme scheme of the given lines Other medium 4 m. Practise exercise from the rhyme scheme.
17. Choose the statements with alliteration Other medium 2 m. Practise exercise from Alliteration.

Questions for Teacher Use

Number Name Type Difficulty Marks Description
1. Drag and drop the statements irrelevant to the poem Other medium 3 m. Practise exercise based on the explanation of the poem.
2. Answer with reference to the context Other medium 4 m. Practise exercise based on the explanation of the poem.
3. Write a short summary of the poem Other hard 10 m. Practise exercise based on the summary of the poem.
4. Rearrange the following lines Other medium 3.6 m. Practise exercise based on the poem "I am Every Woman".
5. Recollect and write the poem "I am Every Woman" by Rakhi Nariani Shirke Other hard 10 m. Memorise the poem to write the answer.
6. Quote from memory Other medium 5 m. Practise exercise based on the poem "I am Every Woman" by Rakhi Nariani Shirke.


Number Name Recomended time: Difficulty Marks Description
1. Training Test I 00:10:00 medium 5.5 m.
2. Training Test II 00:10:00 medium 6 m.
3. Training Test III 00:10:00 medium 9 m.

Periodic assessments

Number Name Recomended time: Difficulty Marks Description
1. Homework I 00:15:00 medium 16 m.
2. Homework II 00:15:00 medium 10 m.
3. Homework III 00:15:00 medium 8 m.
4. Homework IV 00:15:00 medium 7 m.
5. Homework V 00:15:00 medium 23 m.
6. Revision Test I 00:15:00 medium 9.6 m.
7. Revision Test II 00:15:00 medium 15 m.
8. Revision Test III 00:15:00 medium 10 m.
9. Revision Test IV 00:15:00 medium 0 m.