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Meanings of the difficult words from the lesson "Empowered Women Navigating the World":
S.No | Words | Meanings |
1 | Indoor | Into or inside a building |
2 | Permit | Officially allow someone to do something |
3 | Escort | To go with a person or vehicle, especially to make sure that he, she, or it leaves or arrives safely |
4 | Accomplishment | Something that has been achieved successfully |
5 | Tremendous | Very great in amount or level, or extremely good |
6 | Circumnavigate | Sail or travel all the way around |
7 | Crew | A group of people who work on and operate a ship, or aircraft |
8 | Deity | A god or goddess |
9 | Satellite | An artificial body placed in orbit around the earth or moon or another planet to collect information or for communication |
10 | Worship | To have or show a strong feeling of respect and admiration for God existing naturally or having always lived in a place; native |
11 | Indigenously | To formally choose someone to do |
12 | Commission | A special piece of work, or to ask for a special piece of work from someone formally |
13 | Saviour | A person who saves someone from danger or harm |
14 | Array | To arrange a group of things in a particular way |
15 | Navigation | The act of directing a ship and aircraft from one place to another, or the science of finding a way from one place to another |
16 | Consonance | Agreement or compatibility between opinions or actions |
17 | Empower | To give someone official authority or the freedom to do something |
18 | Voyage | A long journey, especially by ship |
19 | Accurate | Correct, exact, and without any mistakes |
20 | Forecast | To say what you expect to happen in the future |
21 | Expedition | An organised journey for a particular purpose |
22 | Stopover | A short stay in a place that you make while you are on a longer journey to somewhere else |
23 | Replenishment | The act of filling something up again by replacing what has been used |
24 | Hardship | Severe suffering or privation |
25 | Unpredictable | Not able to be predicted; changeable |
26 | Interview | A meeting in which someone answers questions about themself for a newspaper article, television show |
27 | Discriminate | To be able to see the difference between two things or people |
28 | Shortlist | A list of people who have been judged the most suitable for a job or prize |
29 | Survival | The state of continuing to exist, and not to fail or be destroyed |
30 | Showcase | To show the best qualities or parts of something |
31 | Destination | The place where someone is going or where something is being sent or taken |
32 | Contention | The act of competing in order to win something or to achieve a position of leadership |
33 | Grasp | To understand something, especially something difficult |
34 | Assistance | The action of helping someone by sharing work |
35 | Repulsion | Strong dislike or disapproval |
36 | Collaborate | Work jointly on an activity or project |
37 | Interviewer | The person who asks the questions during an interview |
38 | Quality | A distinctive characteristic possessed by someone or something |
39 | Nightmare | A frightening or unpleasant dream |
40 | Gloves | A piece of clothing that is worn on the hand and wrist for warmth or protection, with separate parts for each finger |
41 | Blissful | Extremely or completely happy |
42 | Encounter | To experience something, especially something unpleasant |
43 | Anticipate | To imagine or expect that something will happen |
44 | Hurricane | A violent wind that has a circular movement, especially in the West Atlantic Ocean |
45 | Storm | An extreme weather condition with very strong wind, heavy rain, and often thunder and lightning |
46 | Teamwork | The combined actions of a group of people working together effectively to achieve a goal |
47 | Crisis | A time of intense difficulty or danger |
48 | Awestruck | Filled with feelings of admiration or respect |
49 | Bio-luminescence | The biochemical emission of light by living organisms such as glow-worms and deep-sea fish |
50 | Quilling | The activity of making designs by rolling and shaping narrow strips of paper |
51 | Delicacies | Something especially rare or expensive that is good to eat |
52 | Indulge | Allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of |
53 | Comic | A magazine or book that contains a set of stories told in pictures with a small amount of writing |
54 | Pantry | A small room or large cupboard in a house or boat where food is kept |
55 | Gender-neutral | Suitable for, applicable to, or common to both male and female genders |