PDF chapter test TRY NOW

Your family has planned for a two-day trip to a tourist spot nearby in a reserved forest. Your father has no idea about what safety measures and precautions to be taken before you start. Enact a role-play on the above situation.

Student 1: As a son/daughter
Student 2: As a father

These would help you.
  • Important places to be visited
  • Food and accommodation
  • Mode of transport
  • Necessary clothes for two days
  • First-aid kit and medicines required if any etc.
Here is a dialogue between a father and his daughter. Continue the dialogue with at least five utterances and use all the clues given above.
Father: Hi Mary, it has been a very long time since we went on a trip. Let’s plan one.
Mary: Yes, dad. I am also longing to go. Why don’t we plan one for this weekend?
Father: Sure. Tell me, where shall we go?
Mary: Some place nearby but for at least two days.
Father: Hmm... I think we should go to the reserved forest nearby.
Mary: Yeah. I’ve never been to a forest. I have seen a forest only on the TV and movies. The forest is a good choice!
Father: OK. If we are going to the forest, we must list out what we should carry with us for two days.
Mary: I think we should carry suitable clothes like
Father: What about the food? Do you have any idea, Mary?
Mary: Yeah. For food, I suggest 