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A central idea is the life of any passage. It conveys the central theme, making the readers feel connected to the author's point of view. It is mainly conveyed in any paragraph or passage's initial and concluding lines. The mainidea is a vital element in any passage or text.

The Main idea of the lesson 'Tech Bloomers':
Things to remember:
* Technology
* Technological advancements
* Disabled people - Technology makes them Independent
* Technology's role in disabled people's life
* Alisha and David
* Cerebral Palsy, Athetoid cerebral palsy
* Alisha's experiences
* Dragon Dictate Typing speed
* Maths GCSE
* Kim - Assistive technologist
* Liberator Communication Device
* AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication)
* ECO2, ECO point
* David- sports leader
* Olympic opening ceremony team, Brazil
* Technology + willingness = Makes everything possible for everyone
Minor ideas:
1. Examples like refrigerators, printers, entertainment appliances etc.
2. Kim assists 42 students
3. Eye gaze can control computer screen
4. David used an interactive whiteboard to give PE sessions
5. David had 144 icons on his screen
6. Aside from communication, David used ECO2 for many things.
7. Technology makes things happen using voice commands
8. Stephen Hawking - talented intellect