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A review is a critical assessment of a  book, play, film, an event, etc., published  in a newspaper or magazine. A review is an appreciation of something as to whether they like it or not. Or why it appeals to the audience's interests.
A review can be subjective at most times and partly objective. It should not just be a bashing /praising of the book, movie or event.
Steps to review:
  • First, choose the piece/work (a book, movie, an article or event).
  • Read the selected piece (a book/an article) or watch it (a movie/an event) cautiously until you understand it thoroughly.
  • Focus on the main idea of the piece and its purpose.
  • Critically evaluate the work.
  • Make a note of all that is worthy of analysis.
  • Summarise it in a brief way.
  • Present it orally or in written form.
Steps to review:
Introduction: Begin with a summary of the book/movie/event. This is probably a good way to introduce any review because it gives context to what you are talking about. Describe the book/movie cover and title. In case of an event, describe the purpose.
  1. Pick out the most important characteristic of the book, movie.
  2. Include small quotes as examples.
  3. Include any subtitles at this stage.
  4. Describe how well the event has been organised and conducted.
  1. Find similar books/movies/events and compare but come out with your own opinion.
  2. Give it a star rating if you want.
  3. Include the details of the Author/directors/organisers.