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When I got to the attic, things were pretty confused. Grandfather had evidently jumped to the conclusion that the police were deserters from Meade’s army, trying to hide away in his attic. He bounded out of bed wearing a long flannel nightgown over long woolen pants, a nightcap, and a leather jacket around his chest. The cops must have realized at once that the indignant white-haired old man belonged to the house, but they had no chance to say so. ‘Back, ye cowardly dog!’ roared grandfather. ‘Back t’ the lines ye goodaam Lily-livered cattle!’ With that, he fetched the officer who found the zither a flat – handed smack alongside his head that sent him sprawling. The others beat a retreat, but not enough; grandfather grabbed zither’s gun from its holster and let fly. The report seemed to crack the rafters; smoke filled the attic. A cop cursed and shot his hand to his shoulder. Somehow, we all finally got downstairs again and locked the door against the old gentleman. He fired once or twice more in the darkness and then went back to bed. ‘That was grandfather’, I explained to Joe, out of breath. ‘He thinks you’re deserter.’ ‘I’ll say he does,’ said Joe.
Sl. No | Words | Meanings |
1 | Flannel | (Of a quality) which you are born with, or which is present naturally |
2 | Ye | (A colloquial slang) You |
3 | Cowardly; Lily-livered | Lacking courage |
4 | T' | (A colloquial slang) To |
5 | Fetch | Go for and then bring back (someone or something) for someone |
6 | Smack | A sharp slap or blow, typically one given with the palm of the hand |
7 | Sprawl | To sit, lie, or fall with one's arms and legs spread out in an ungainly way |
8 | Beat | To move with sudden speed |
9 | Retreat | An act of moving back or withdrawing |
10 | Holster | A holder for carrying a handgun or other firearm, typically made of leather and worn on a belt or under the arm |
11 | Rafter | A beam forming part of the internal framework of a roof |
12 | Report | A sudden loud noise of or like an explosion or gunfire |