எங்கள் ஆசிரியர்களுடன் 1-ஆன்-1 ஆலோசனை நேரத்தைப் பெறுங்கள். டாப்பர் ஆவதற்கு நாங்கள் பயிற்சி அளிப்போம்

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"The Tempest" is an extract taken from and Mary Lamb's "Tales from Shakespeare." The lesson is about an old man named and his lovely daughterwho lived on an island. Prospero had a, and with the help of that, he had freed the good spirits from a witch named. Ariel (a good spirit) obeyed Prospero's, and he did as he wished. Prospero once showed his daughter that he had caused a storm in the middle of the sea. He also mentioned that there werelike them on the ship. After hearing that, Miranda asked her father to stop it and inquired why he had made it. At that time, Prospero said that his brother Antonio betrayed him and he had taken control of his kingdom with the help of the . They tried to drown Prospero and his daughter in the sea. But Prospero and his daughter escaped from it with the help of an old man.
While Prospero was talking to Miranda, Ariel appeared in front of Prospero to say what happened in the sea. Ariel said that the people on the ship were safe on the. When Ferdinand arrived at the shore, he saw none of hiswas there. Afterwards, he met Miranda, and both of them were drawn to each other's beauty. Prospero then decided to test Ferdinand's love for his daughter. He gave many laborious works, and Ferdinand won every task. Meanwhile, Ariel came in front of Prospero to explain what he had done to make Antonio and the King of Naples fear him. Ariel appeared in front of them like a harpy monster recounted what Antonio and the King of Naples did for Prospero. Later, they realised their and sought anfor the mistake they had made. Prospero then forgave them and showed them that Ferdinand was alive. At last, Prospero promised them that he would return to the palace the next day and allowedto live freely.