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A simile is a figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind, used to make the description more emphatic or vivid.
1. As busy as a bee: Someone who is always busy doing something.
Usage: Since the exams are fast approaching, Jack is as busy as a bee.
2. Like peas in a pod: Someone who stays together always.
Usage: Kamila and her sister are like peas in a pod.
3. As innocent as a lamb: Someone naïve, gullible or faultless.
Everyone loves Rosy because she is as innocent as a lamb.
A simile establishes a connection between two things using the terms "like" or "as".
Similes are used to express thoughts/feelings/words in a unique way, which differs from the ordinary tone of speech.

1. It adds to the emotional/expressional intensity to make the reading more interesting.
2. It emphasizes the meaning of the thought.
3. It gives better clarity.
4. It adds a beautiful tone to the text.
5. Thereby makes it more attractive to the reader.
Similes used in the poem "From a railway carriage":
  • Charging along like troops in a battle.
  • Fly as thick as driving rain.
To learn more about similes, click here.
Alliteration is the occurrence of the same consonant letter (sound) at the starting of two or more words in a single line, in a poem.
1. The slender smiling girl...
2. The song of sweet birds...
3. Black bug bit a bear...
4. Practise the piano...
What are the uses of alliteration?
1. It creates a rhythm, similar to rhyming words.
2. It emphasizes the importance of phrases.
3. Mostly used in tongue-twisters.
Alliteration used in the poem "From a Railway Carriage":
  • Faster than fairies
  • Houses, hedges
  • Child who clambers
  • Lumping along with man and load
  • Glimpse and gone forever
Imagery means using imaginative language to represent objects, actions, and ideas in such a way that it appeals to our physical senses. A writer helps the reader to visualize or to see in their minds what is being described. The images should appeal to one or more of the five senses: sight, hearing, touch, taste or smell.
1. It was dark and dim that night.
    The words “dark” and “dim” are visual images; (that appeal to our eyes).
2. The kids were screaming and laughing in the classroom.
     “Screaming” and “laughing” appeal to our sense of hearing; (that appeal to our ears).
3. Rani whiffed the fragrance of the fresh rose blossoms.
    “Whiff” and “fragrance” evoke our sense of smell; (that appeal to our nose).   
What are the uses of imagery?
1. The concept is made easier to understand, as the reader visualizes it.
2. It makes the concept easier to remember.
Imagery has been used throughout the poem "From a Railway Carriage", and it pleases the senses of the readers to a great extent. The lines of the poem are written in a tone which gives the reader the sounds and rhythms of a moving train.
The following phrases have been used to sound like the rhythm of a moving train:
  • Faster than fairies, faster than witches
  • Bridges and houses, hedges and ditches;
  • Here is a child who clambers and scrambles,
  • All by himself and gathering brambles;
  • And here is a mill and there is a river:
The imagery used in the poem "From a Railway Carriage":
  • Charging along like troops in a battle
  • All through the meadows the horses and cattle
  • All of the sights of the hill and the plain
  • Fly as thick as driving rain
  • In the wink of an eye
  • Painted stations
  • Child who clambers and scrambles
  • Gathering brambles
  • A tramp who stands and gazes
  • Stringing the daisies
  • Lumping along with man and load
  • Here is a mill and there is a river