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Describing words are words used to describe or explain the nature/feature/quality of another word. In English grammar, such words are called adjectives.
1. My garden has a "beautiful" roses.
In the above sentence, "beautiful" is a word that describes "roses". It tells the feature of the roses.

2. My "new" watch broke yesterday.
In the above sentence, "new" is a word that describes the "watch".

3. Priya is a "wonderful" dancer.
In the above sentence, "wonderful" is a word that describes the quality of "dancer".
When two or more adjectives come together, the following order is used:
  • Quantity
  • Quality or opinion
  • Size
  • Age
  • Color
1. There are two beautiful roses in the garden.
Quantity - two
Quality - beautiful
2. The huge 150-year-old brown oak tree is situated in that park.
Size - huge
Age - 150-year-old
Color - Brown
3. My neighbours have a small red post-box.
Size - small
Color - red
In the lesson "Sports Stars", many describing words have been used. They are:
  1. I had the best day at school today.
  2. It was why I have never let my little sister play cricket with me.
  3. She was the highest run scorer in Women’s International Cricket.
  4. Though it was a humble start, she managed to secure a name and a place for herself.
  5. She broke the traditional barriers.
  6. I forgot to mention about the recent achievement of our Indian women cricket team.
  7. Smriti Mandhana hit stylish half century.
  8. India cruised to a comfortable nine-wicket victory over South Africa.
  9. Usha Rani, cop-cum-champion rose from shanty town of Subedarpalaya.
  10. Armed with her mother’s unfulfilled dream to become an athlete.
  11. She won a gold Medal in kabaddi.
  12. Despite a well-paid job, Usha participated in national events every year.
  13. P.V. Sindhu is one of the two Indian badminton players ever to win a silver medal.
  14. Saina Nehwal who has won a bronze medal in 2012 Olympics.
  15. Though her parents were professional volleyball players, Sindhu chose badminton.
  16. The most striking feature in Sindhu’s game is her attitude.