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Dear Malli,
     Thanks for your letter and it was great to hear from you. You asked me to tell you about my trip to Ooty with my friends. I had the most wonderful time. Twenty girls and boys from class six went on the trip. Our class teacher Geetha madam and two others took us.
     My grandmother has told me about the beautiful journey to Ooty by the toy train many times. She said that it was a spectacular trip up and down the slopes with birds and trees dancing along. Ooty is so close to Coimbatore but I have never been there nor seen that train. So I was really thrilled when the school arranged this trip. You can imagine how excited I was when I stepped into the toy train with my friends.
     I looked around at the wooden chairs with cushioned seats and oil painted walls as I put my bag on the mesh of the luggage rack. I was bubbling over with excitement.
This lesson is in the format of an informal (friendly) letter written by a sixth standard girl called Merlin, to her friend Malli.
Malli had written a letter to Merlin, asking her to share her experiences from her school trip to Ooty. It is understood from the first part of the letter that Malli had written to her earlier. The letter has been dated \(20th\) November \(2017\) and from Coimbatore. Merlin started by telling that she had a lovely time during her trip. Twenty of them from her class went to Ooty. Ooty is a hill station that is close to Coimbatore. Merlin's class teacher Geetha madam and two other teachers went with them.
Merlin wrote that her grandmother had told her earlier that the toy train that connects Coimbatore and Ooty. She mentioned that it was a beautiful ride by train that moved up and down the slopes of the mountain, with beautiful trees on the way. Merlin had not seen Ooty, nor that train, even though she was living in Coimbatore, which was very close to Ooty. So she was looking forward to the Ooty trip eagerly. She was very excited when she first got into the train, along with her friends.
Ooty train.jpeg
*Ooty toy train!
Merlin saw inside the train - it had wooden chairs with cushions, and the walls of the train were oil-painted, which looked very smooth. She put her bag on the net provided in the luggage rack. She was so cheerful and delighted.
wooden seats.jpg
The train had comfortable wooden seats with cushion!
Meanings of difficult words:
meshmaterial made of a network of wire or thread
bubblingcharacterized by cheerful high spirits
*Image courtesy -  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nilgiri_Mountain_Railway#/media/File:NMR_train_at_Ketti_05-02-26_75.jpeg
State Council of Educational Research and Training (2019). Term-2 English Standard-6. Trip to Ooty(pp. 111-127). Published by the Tamil Nadu Textbook and Educational Services Corporation.