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Syllabification refers to the process of division of words into smaller parts, known as syllables - based on the sounds they produce. The method involves splitting of words into units of sounds or sounds of vowels. A syllable is a unit of pronunciation having one vowel sound.
1. Run - "U" is the vowel that produces a syllable. Therefore, the word had one syllable.
2. Acting - Act-ing: "A" and "I" are the vowels that produces two different sounds. Therefore, there are two syllables in this word.
3. Australia - Au-stra-lia: has "Au" producing a sound, "stra" producing a sound, "Lia" producing a sound; therefore, there are three syllables in this word.
2. Acting - Act-ing: "A" and "I" are the vowels that produces two different sounds. Therefore, there are two syllables in this word.
3. Australia - Au-stra-lia: has "Au" producing a sound, "stra" producing a sound, "Lia" producing a sound; therefore, there are three syllables in this word.
In simple words, syllabifying is the process of dividing the words according to the vowel sounds.
Process of syllabification:
1. Read the word
2. Identify the vowels.
3. Break the words according to the vowel sounds.
Syllabification of some words from the lesson "Trip to Ooty":
No. | Word | Split into | Number of Syllables |
1 | Wonderful | Won-der-ful | 3 |
2 | Windows | Win-dows | 2 |
3 | Coax | Coax | 1 |
4 | Behind | Be-hind | 2 |
5 | Trumpeting | Trump-et-ing | 3 |
6 | Thud | Thud | 1 |
7 | Murmur | Mur-mur | 2 |
8 | Bananas | Ba-na-nas | 3 |
9 | Excitement | Ex-cite-ment | 3 |
10 | Everyone | Eve-ry-one | 3 |
11 | Snatch | Snatch | 1 |
12 | Naughty | Naugh-ty | 2 |