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Listen to the audio and with the help of the options, complete the summary of the lesson:
Answer variants:
hundred thousand
ship doctor
six inches
Gulliver was a
. Once his voyage ended
when his shipwrecked due to a violent storm. He managed to swim until he found land.
He ended up in the strange country of the
, where humans were not more than
 in height. They mistook Gulliver for a giant and tied him up, as they feared that he might
 them. But they also served him food, once he promised that he wouldn't harm them. The gave him tiny loaves of bread, meat and two barrels of drink - which was less than the size of a
They mixed a sleeping
 in his drink and decided to take him to the capital city.  When Gulliver woke up, he found that about a
 Lilliputians had gathered to see him. It was like a carnival in their place but, Gulliver felt
 at the whole scene. The Emperor received him and lodged him in an old, unused
. He was freed after some days when they realized that he meant no harm. Further, they gave him food, water and built a house for him to live. Gulliver helped them in many possible ways, as he had
 the Emperor.
Once, the neighbouring king of
 declared war on Lilliput. The Emperor asked Gulliver not to let them down when they needed his help. Gulliver tied the enemy ships with a thick rope and dragged them in rounds in the sea until they felt
and begged for peace. They Gulliver
 as their hero, and he lived peacefully in Lilliput for many years.