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     “Right, let us start with these exercises.” He showed them exercises that would allow their legs to stretch more, stride faster. Then he trained them in the skill of passing the baton without losing speed. “Don’t slow down when you near your next team member.”
     Prakash Sir said, “Maintain your speed while passing your baton. Only when the baton has left your hand, you slow down. Do you understand? And you, who are going to receive the baton, also keep in motion, jogging. All right enough for today. Report to me same time tomorrow again.” Then turning to Rucha, he said, “I want a word with you. You are apt to slow down after starting well,” said Prakash Sir. “Don’t do that. Maintain your speed,” he advised her.
     “Sir, I am not very good,” Rucha said dolefully.
     “No self-doubts, Rucha! This is exactly what I have been wanting to tell you. You must have a positive attitude. Don’t even think of losing. See yourself winning! Think to win! Only to win! You can do it, I can feel it.” Rucha went home with Prakash Sir’s words ringing in her ears.
     The next few days he saw the girls training extra hard. Prakash Sir was never far, even as he trained other children.
     The day of the sports meet dawned and the children piled into buses to reach the venue. There was laughter and a great deal of joviality as Prakash Sir had seen to it that they were fit and relaxed as well. The stadium, where the meet was being held, bustled with great activity. Children from several schools were moving around checking out the different venues where particular events were to be held. Prakash Sir collected the schedule and gave the girls appropriate instructions. The Principal of the host school inaugurated the meet with a short speech and also introduced the participating schools. Then the events started. Rucha and most of the other children of their school easily got through the heats to enter the finals scheduled for the following day. The next morning, after a few individual events, it was time for the girls’ relay race. Four schools had entered the finals. Rucha, Aruna, Shabnam and Neelam were Team B.
     Prakash Sir gave them final words of encouragement.
     “Girls, you are a good team. You can win! Go ahead and show your mettle! Good luck.”
Prakash Sir started training them with some basic exercises. He showed them some techniques that would allow them to stretch their legs wider and move faster with longer steps. In a relay race, when a person finishes his leg of distance, he/she has to pass a small stick or tube called a baton, to the next person who continues the race. Prakash Sir taught them the skill of passing the baton to the next person without reducing their speed. He advised them not to slow down when they near their next team member. He told them to maintain the speed even while passing the baton, and to slow down only after passing the baton to the next person. He informed the persons receiving the baton to keep jogging so that they can match the speed of the team member from whom they get the baton.
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The girls learnt the techniques of passing the baton from their PT Instructor!
With that, the training for the day ended, and he asked the team to assemble at the same time the next day. He turned to Rucha, for some special advice to her. He told her that she was used to slow down after a good start. He said she should not do that and she had to maintain her speed. Rucha agreed and told that she was not very good, with a feeling of sorrow in her.
Prakash Sir scolded her saying she should not doubt herself. He said he wanted to tell her the same thing, that she needed a positive attitude. He told her to stop thinking about losing and to imagine herself winning the game. He said "Think to win, Only to win!" and he said she was capable of doing it. Rucha went home that day, and she could hear Prakash Sir's voice continuously in her ears. The team practised hard for the next few days. Prakash Sir was always available with the team for any help, even if he had other work to do.
It was the sports day finally, and all the members got into the buses to go to the venue. They were all laughing  - it showed that they were relaxed, fit and ready for the day as Prakash Sir had seen to it. Students from other schools were searching for different sports venues, and the whole stadium was active and busy. Prakash Sir collected the agenda and gave all instructions to the team. The Principal of Rucha's school began the meeting formally with a short speech and introduced all the schools that took part in the events that day. After that, the events started, and Rucha's school did very well because most of them got selected to enter the finals, which were going to happen the next day. The next morning, Rucha's relay race started after a few other events. Four schools were participating in the finals. Rucha, Aruna, Shabnam and Neelam were in Team B.
Prakash Sir said to them a few final words of encouragement. He told them that they were a good team and that they can win! He wished them good luck and motivated them to go ahead and prove their talents to win the event!
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After final words of encouragement from Prakash Sir, the relay race started!
Meanings of difficult words:
stridewalk with long, decisive steps in a specified direction
batona short stick or tube passed from runner to runner in a relay race
dolefullyexpressing sorrow, mournful
bustlingfull of activity
mettlea person's ability to cope well with difficulties; spirit and resilience
State Council of Educational Research and Training (2019). Term-2 English Standard-6. Think to Win (pp. 101-108). Published by the Tamil Nadu Textbook and Educational Services Corporation.