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The poem "Making Life Worth While" has been written by Mary Ann Evans (\(1818\) - \(1890\)). She used the pen name "George Eliot". She used a male name to make sure her works were taken seriously. She lived during the Victorian Era, or during the reign of Queen Victoria in England. She was an English novelist, poet, journalist, translator, and one of the leading writers during her age.
 George Elliot.jpg
*Mary Ann Evans, also known as George Eliot.
This poem "Making Life Worth While" has been written in the nature of advice. She advises people on how we can learn something from everyone we meet and how we can make our lives more valuable.
*Image courtesy - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Eliot#/media/File:George_Eliot,_por_Fran%C3%A7ois_D'Albert_Durade.jpg