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Meanings of difficult words from the lesson "Crossing the River":
No. | Words | Meanings |
1 | pundit | an expert in a particular subject, a learned person |
2 | celebrated | greatly admired |
3 | landlord | a person who rents out his land, house or accommodation |
4 | prostrated | falling flat on the ground as a mark of respect |
5 | eloquent | fluent and expressive in speaking or writing |
6 | discourse | written or spoken communication, or a discussion |
7 | spellbound | hold the complete attention of (someone) as though by magic |
8 | resolved | firmly determined to do something |
9 | vow | a serious, ceremonial promise to do something |
10 | enthusiastically | with eagerness and interest |
11 | daybreak | the time in the morning when sun rises; dawn |
12 | apologetically | showing regret about a failure to do something |
13 | spate | a sudden rush, flood in a river |
14 | mystic | someone who attempts to be united with God through prayer |
15 | jocularly | in a joking, humorous, playful manner |
16 | pious | dedicated, devout and religious |
17 | guffaw | a loud and hearty laugh |
18 | naivety | lack of experience, wisdom, or judgement; innocence |
19 | muttered | say something in a low voice, hardly audible |
20 | scriptures | the sacred writings of a religion |
21 | intrigued | arouse the curiosity |
22 | kidding | teasing playfully |
23 | tiptoe | walk quietly and carefully with one's heels raised and one's weight on the balls of the feet |
24 | obeisance | respect, worship |
25 | struck dumb | so shocked or surprised that one cannot speak |