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Rampaging through the heavens
Never stopping day or night,
A spectacle of a lifetime
A comet in full flight.
The poem "The Comet" begins with the speaker describing the movement of a comet. He says that the comet "rampages through the heavens", suggesting that the comet's movement is fast, rash, wild, and violent. The word "heavens", on the other hand, signifies the presence of other celestial objects among the comet's path. As a result, the speaker states that the comet moves violently, passing through the heavenly bodies such as the sun, moon, stars, and planets in the sky.
A comet rampages through the heavans

While orbiting in space, the comet never pauses or takes a break. It moves day and night, circling the galaxy throughout its life. The lifespan of a comet is shorter than stars or planets, ranging between \(1000\) and \(10,000\) years, and it keeps 'rampaging without stopping day or night'. By stating that the comet works day and night, the speaker suggests that a comet could pass through our galaxy as we speak, irrespective of the time of the day.
Witnessing a comet in the sky would be a spectacle of a lifetime, claims the speaker. On average, people on earth can expect to see a major comet every five to ten years. However, it is never easy to spot a comet. Only a fraction of our world population had had the opportunity to see a comet. Moreover, a comet that comes too close to earth can put the earth in danger. One may not even live to tell the tale, as certain comets are powerful enough to destroy most of our planet.
Nevertheless, witnessing a comet in full flight would indeed be a "spectacle of a lifetime".
A comet in full flight is a spectacle of a lifetime
Meanings of difficult words:
RampageTo move, run, and do things in a wild, violent way
HeavensThe sky in which the sun, moon, stars, and planets are situated
SpectacleA visually striking performance or display
CometAn object that moves around the sun, usually at a great distance from it, that is seen on rare occasions from the earth as a bright line in the sky
FlightAn occasion when something flies or moves through the air
Celestial object
A planet, moon, star, comet, meteor, or other natural objects in the space
State Council of Educational Research and Training (2019). Term-3 English Standard-9. The Comet- Norman Littleford (pp. 95). Published by the Tamil Nadu Textbook and Educational Services Corporation.