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Meaning of difficult words from the poem "The Stick-together Families":
S.No | Words | Meaning |
1 | Gladdest | Very happy |
2 | Separate highways | Going on separate ways |
3 | Wholesome | Having all aspects of physical, moral, emotional well being |
4 | Conventions | A formal/ informal meeting or get together |
5 | Fireside | The area that provides warmth with fire |
6 | Beneath | Place below |
7 | Estranged | Not affectionate/close |
8 | Bitterness | Showing hatred or displeasure |
9 | Conventional | Pertaining to a traditional or familiar way |
10 | Shatter | To break in pieces |
11 | Harvest | The period of gathering something |
12 | Stranger | An unknown person |
13 | Fancy | Feel a desire or liking for |
14 | Gladness | Ultimate happiness |
15 | Astray | Moving away from the correct path |
16 | Striving | Make great efforts to achieve something |
17 | Mirth | Amusement, as expressed in joy |
18 | Weary | Tired and stressful |
19 | Contentment | A sense of satisfaction |
20 | Comrade | A fellow member |
21 | Kin | Members of the family |