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Suffixes are words attached at the end of root words to derive a newer meaning. Let us explore the usage of some suffixes:
1. Suffixes that derive plurals: The suffix "s", "es" usually brings about the plural meaning.
object - objects
wish - wishes
bottle - bottles
2. Suffixes that derive tenses: The suffix "ed" usually is used for past tense.
The suffix "ing" usually is used for present tense.
walk - walked
type - typed
run - running
sing - singing
3. Suffixes that mean consequential: The suffixes "ate", "en", "ify", "ize" usually mean 'to become'.
complex - complicate
tight - tighten
straight - straighten
beauty - beautify
strategy - strategize
4. Suffixes that mean quality: The suffixes "acy", "ly", "ance", "ity", "ty", "tionusually mean the quality of being.
supreme - supremacy
normal - normally
dominate - dominance
active  - activity
honest - honesty
promote - promotion
5. Suffixes that mean the study of: The suffix "logy" usually denotes the field of study.
Here is a list of commonly used suffixes:
s, espluralthings, buses
edpast tenseobtained
ingpresent tensetraining
ateto becomehibernate
ento becomeenlighten
ifyto becomenotify
izeto becomerevolutionize
iseto becomeadvertise
lyexplain qualityswiftly, slowly
acystate or qualitysupremacy
ancestate or qualityacceptance
domstate of being infreedom, boredom
er, ian, ost, eerone who isteacher, engineer, technician
ismbeliefHinduism, Buddhism
istone who isextremist, Buddhist
ity, tyqualityhonesty, responsibility
mentcondition ofimprovement
nesscondition of, statesadness
ion, tion, sionstate of beingpromotion, condensation
o-logystudy ofbiology, ecology
The suffixed words used in the lesson "Learning the Game":
    1. Bunked
    2. Played
    3. Watching
    4. Studied
    5. Loved
    6. Actually
    7. Scrutinizing
    8. Delighted
    9. Rigorous
    10. Objection
    11. Occasionally
    12. Embarrassment