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     We find little kids hugging their teddies and not parting from them even when they sleep. Perhaps the warm and furry appearance of the bear attracts them and offers them comfort. They love the doll so much that they spend their time feeding it, dressing it up and holding it to their bosom.

     Little kids cry when they are separated from their mothers. Mothers too would not allow their children to be taken away from them.
How do you think animals would behave when they are isolated from their families?
     Here is an interesting story of a young grizzly bear which proved its strength and grit, not wishing to be cowed down or dominated by other bigger bears.
     Little Cyclone is a grizzly cub from Alaska, who earned his name by the vigour of his resistance to ill-treatment. When his mother was fired at, on a timbered hillside facing Chilkat River, he and his brother ran away as fast as their stumpy little legs could carry them. When they crept where they had last seen her, they thought her asleep; and cuddling up close against her yet warm body they slept peacefully until morning.

     Before the early morning sun had reached their side of the mountains, the two orphans were awakened by the rough grasp of human hands. Valiantly they bit and scratched, and bawled aloud with rage. One of them made a fight so fierce and terrible that his nervous captor let him go, and that one is still on the Chilkoot.

      Although the other cub fought just as desperately, his captor seized him by the hind legs, dragged him backwards, occasionally swung him around his head, and kept him generally engaged until ropes were procured for binding him. When finally established, with collar, chain and post, in the rear of the saloon in Porcupine City, two-legged animals less intelligent than himself frequently and violently prodded the little grizzly with a long pole "to see him fight." Barely in time to save him from insanity, little Cyclone was rescued by the friendly hands of the Zoological Society's field agent, placed in a comfortable box, freed from all annoyance, and shipped to New York.
Often, we find little kids who like their teddies so much that they are always hugging it. They even have the teddy with them while they sleep. Generally, the teddies are furry and stuffed, so they are warm, and the kids like them very much. The teddies look cute, and kids feel comfortable with them. They love them as a friend or a sibling of theirs. They dress the teddies, give food to them, and hold them to their bosom all the time.
We see little kids cry if we try to separate them from their mothers. Even mothers react in the same way. They don't want to get parted with their children, whatever be the situation.

Do you know how animals behave when they are isolated from their families?

Here, the story is about a young grizzly bear. The bear proved himself strong by not allowing bigger bears to dominate it. This young bear is called Little cyclone. This bear got its name after it did not permit anyone to ill-treat it. This bear is from Alaska. The mother of this bear got killed during a firing near the Chilkat River. He and his brother ran as fast as they could, on their stumpy little legs. When they came back to look at the same place where they saw their mother last, they thought that she was sleeping. They cuddled and hugged her and slept next to the dead mother bear till the next morning.
The mountains where they slept was still dark just before dawn when the sun was not on their side of the peak some humans came and woke the bear and his brother. They bit and scratched and made noises with anger. One of them fought so much that the human beings who wanted to capture him got nervous and freed him. That one bear is still in Chilkoot.
The other cub also fought as much as his brother, but the human beings who captured him took him by the hind legs and dragged him and swung him. The humans did all this to keep the cub engaged so that he wouldn't fight. The humans brought the rope and tied him, collared him, and chained the bear cub. They kept the bear cub in the rear of the saloon in Porcupine City. The two-legged animals, also known as humans who were less intelligent and rude, poked the little grizzly with a long pole, often violently, to see him fight for his freedom. Just on time, some good Samaritans of the Society's field agent rescued Little Cyclone from those cruel people. They put him in an enormous, comfortable box and shipped him to New York.
Meanings of difficult words:
Isolated Far away from other places, buildings, or people; remote.
Resistance The refusal to accept or comply with something.
Valiantly With courage.
EstablishedGenerally accepted.
State Council of Educational Research and Training (2018). Term-1 English Standard-9. Little Cyclone: The Story of a Grizzly Cub - William Temple Hornaday(pp. 212-214). Published by the Tamil Nadu Textbook and Educational Services Corporation.